Recent content by Space Lion

  1. Space Lion

    Have You Ever Rooted For A Troll?

    Trolls don't want you rooting for them, they think they are lone gunmen standing vigilante amongst a society of dumb people. Ohhoho you said something which pissed someone off, you are terribly funny, maybe you want to go throw dog poo at an old lady. That'll surely get an emotional response...
  2. Space Lion

    why do people suddenly fear nuclear power plants?

    Nuclear power plants should be built in secret undersea complexes guarded by military dolphins. You all read it here first, it will happen, I am a genius.
  3. Space Lion

    UK Atheists Hope to Eliminate Jedi Population

  4. Space Lion

    Critical Miss: #25

    Military, angsty young men looking to blow off steam. Isn't that a direct connection?
  5. Space Lion

    Escape to the Movies: Rango

    Drive Angry looks like Mad Max made by someone who wishes they where Robert Rodriguez. So after a few beers I think I'll enjoy it.
  6. Space Lion

    Escape to the Movies: No Strings Attached

    Yeeeaaaaaaah, I think I'll skip this one. The only brain activity it'll tickle is the "I want to lay Natalie Portman down by the fire and make sweet love to her group of neurons." And something tells me the character won't be interesting enough to even fire all of them.
  7. Space Lion

    Escape to the Movies: The Rite

    Thanks Bob, I almost missed something with Anthony Hopkins in. PS. Rec 1 and 2 are exorcism films technically and I know their foreign and you've seen Quarantine the American remake but they really blow exorcism flicks out of the friggin' water. Even if you have seen Quarantine watch them...
  8. Space Lion

    Escape to the Movies: The Kings Speech

    I'm detecting a long slither of bile veiled in humour throughout that review. I agree that this film is not original in structure but not that it doesn't deserve an Oscar. The Oscars always have films which are accessible to anyone and therefore generally not very disruptive. That means you have...
  9. Space Lion

    Escape to the Movies: The Eagle

    Anybody who's looking for something similar but actually good should watch Black Death. The film might put many people off by how ridiculously grim it is but the image it portrays is infinitely more compelling.
  10. Space Lion

    The Big Picture: Magneto Was Right

    Hmm, I don't know if you're joking but there's people agreeing with you so I'll say it for their sake. Every single person on this planet struggles with feelings of inadequacy. Charlie Sheen deals with feelings of inadequacy, obviously his way of dealing with it is fucking insane but no human is...
  11. Space Lion

    World's best suggested paradox

    You can't divide by zero because zero is a lack of quantity. Everything is limited to the amount of times that you can divide it and how big or small you can possibly make the values. That is if you want a quantity for an answer. IMO any maths equation that comes up with the answer zero or...
  12. Space Lion

    Meeting your Past Self?

    1)An ass kicking 2)"I AM FROM THE FUTURE, WITH MY KNOWLEDGE I SHALL RULE YOUR TIME!" 3)The time portal as I kick his ass back to my time to see what happens.
  13. Space Lion

    What does your avatar say about you?

    1) Stalker is an incredible movie and that's where my avatar's from. 2)I like the way it looks and sometimes people even recognise the movie(rarely). 3)I'll probably change it to my steam avatar because I'm starting to like it even more. 4)Da pyro man 999s avatar because I'm also Welsh. :D
  14. Space Lion

    Are you weird?

    I was going out to the pub with some people I don't know that well and they where talking about what religion they would follow if they where religious. Jokingly I said I follow Cthulhu, they didn't know who it was. I went on to describe him and I said that there was an organisation that...
  15. Space Lion

    The Big Picture: A Guy Named Joe

    We have to start paying attention to what we show our young. It does effect what they aspire to be as an adult. When you watch shows like The Moomins you start to realise that philosophy and complex moral choices in life can be broken down and simplified to help children build a sense of morals...