Recent content by Sprinal

  1. Sprinal

    Inferior technologies that just work better than the new stuff

    Steam valve Amplifiers Analogue effects pedals Analogue music gear in general really Still with Computer gear I usually prefer higher tech stuff. With the exception of my Nintendo 64 and DS. They still run fine and have no problems.
  2. Sprinal

    EA: Dungeon Keeper Failed by "Innovating Too Much"

    To be completely fair the guys is probably saying this garbage to push the blame to someone else so that he doesn't get fired.
  3. Sprinal

    Game of Thrones Abridged: "Oathkeeper" - Man, The North Seriously Sucks

    You had one job Odin. ONE JOB!!!! Now they have an army at Jotunheim.
  4. Sprinal

    Pokemon: Do you use Legendaries against the Pokemon League?

    In the last pokémon game I finished I used 3 (possibly 4) I think. Was Ruby and After I spent the time to evolve a whalemer I thought it was kind of fair to use all the Regis available in that version. Considering most of the elite four were using pokémon that were about 5-10 levels higher than...
  5. Sprinal

    NSA Building Quantum Supercomputer To Crack Encrypted Data

    Yay. If it works we can steal it and use it do solve scientific problems. If it doesn't the NSA has just wasted some of its man power and money. Either way it's a win win.
  6. Sprinal

    Alien Invasion stories where you rooted for the aliens?

    I rooted for the Invaders during Iron Sky the whole way through. I was actually sad that they didn't win. History would have sure been interesting. Regardless the future of that universe will all be written in Finnish.
  7. Sprinal

    The most awful thing you've ever actually done to someone during online play

    The only thing that I can recall of me being a "dick" online intentionally or greifing was in Minecraft. Back in the days of beta (1.7.3) I was running a server with a few of my friends. Anyway one of my friends had his house set up with automatic doors... big mistake when I can spawn in...
  8. Sprinal

    What's it like where you live?

    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Okay well to be fair I grew up mostly in the outer west suburbs of Sydney. In an area known as the Hawkesbury. It is like a whole series of country towns with each having a few farms in between. It has 64 suburbs in the area it covers. With a combined...
  9. Sprinal

    Mods: Create and use just for the fun of it OR to make the actual game better?

    Mixture of both. I like more content... I like different skins often I like new models for females especially as bethesda is so horrible at making them. For other games it makes it harder. others it makes it easier. They mostly allow you to tailor the games to exactly what you want...
  10. Sprinal

    PlanetSide 2 Splits PS4 and PC Players

    Well I'm glad it's going to the PS4 only Don't like Microsoft (with the exception of their Operating systems {well the good ones anyway}) or maybe it's just their audience that I don't like. Regardless it will be interesting to see whether it takes off on consoles. If it does we might see...
  11. Sprinal

    Bradley manning, hero or villian?

    I am amazed by how Polarised this discussion is. It's either Bradley Mannin is a witch or he is a saint. Both have their arguments. Both are wrong. He is whatever you think he is. That is all. Nothing more, nothing less. He did what he did because he believed it was right. Regardless...
  12. Sprinal

    Universal Porn Filter Coming to the U.K.

    Reminds me a bit of the Story my mum would tell me. Apparently at one point se was traveling on buisness and took me with her (as I was a todler) and I turned on the TV in the hotel. Apparently it went to a pornographic film... Anyway I was apparently telling my mother what was happening...
  13. Sprinal

    What song is stuck in your head?

    well: Probably a few others as well but that one was the most recent.
  14. Sprinal

    What Would Happen If Your Two Favorite Games Merged?

    Mount and Blade with Dwarf Fortress... Mount and blade graphics and combat with Dwarf Fortress's level of management and detail (as well as fun). I would play that to death (especially in adventure mode) And Fortress mode would have to have your character and all your equipment there just...
  15. Sprinal

    Countries where XBL connection for Xbox One will be supported on launch day, now listed!

    I am still unsure of how it is going to be sold in Europe. Especially with its restrictions on the Sale of used games. After all there was that court case last year that required digital purchases with an unlimited time frame of license to be re-sold. Thus Microsoft trying to place...