Recent content by spudpuffin

  1. S

    Escape to the Movies: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

    You are an inspiration, thank you very much although now that I say that I'm only 4 episodes into the first season I will have to quit this forum for risk of any spoilers.
  2. S

    What game do you wish you never played?

    Theres only been one game that I truly wish I had never played super mario sunshine
  3. S

    Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever

    Ha Ha nice one keep up the good work. If anyone doesn't get it please just give up.=D
  4. S

    Zero Punctuation: Tomb Raider: Underworld

    look m8 u need a girl were not here for comparisons to the "old days" were here for 4 minutes of a guy making semi-resonable arguments and nit picking that hilarious!
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    Zero Punctuation: Awards for 2008

    Its just part of what HE may like about the game and not what u want like he adjusts every vid. to exactly what u want =D no offence just makin a comment
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    Zero Punctuation: Awards for 2008

    why bother he's already killed them maimed them and had brutal *fun* with them just get on to the next victum (CoD:World at War)
  7. S

    Zero Punctuation: Prince of Persia

    i was one of the few who enjoyed the combat in the game although he is right it does get repetitive after about 80 times!
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    Zero Punctuation: Mirror's Edge

    I also thought it was just par and its also obvios that they put alot of work into the demo so that people would buy the "full" crappy game
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    Zero Punctuation: Guitar Hero World Tour

    I havent played rock band or guitar hero world tour but i have played guitar hero 3 so i know that whenever something on the controler dosn't respond right it is the most annoying thing ever
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    Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

    Theres one thing i have to stress in relation to this random guys post. The one thing that all us PC gamers (exept the rich ones) can agree on is that there should be a set comp. requirments for an amount of time so that something like crysis dosn't come along and make everyone moan in dispear...
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    Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

    yes i think this is a great part of the game and i would also like to take time to praise the part where YOU play the zombies. It brings probobly 33%(im guessing here) more playability for longer amounts of time before it gets boring
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    Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead

    as always great video yahtzee
  13. S

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    yes it is indeed like the matrix in that the first one was brilliant and the others are all just to piled up with bullshit and suck
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    Zero Punctuation: Ninja Gaiden 2

    Your just bullshiting around if the "hardcore" nerd fans of MGS wanted to spend a few hours on story then they should have it as optional or just put it on a website advratize it in the game and then have only the MGS junkies go and read it. They probobly don't even care if its cinimatics or...