Recent content by ssj4raditz

  1. ssj4raditz

    Favorite Dragonforce and/or Dethklok Song

    Awaken - Deathklok
  2. ssj4raditz

    Poll: BEARDS!

    It a bit bushier now, but here be my beard! []
  3. ssj4raditz

    LEGO Mass Effect

    Further proof that LEGOs are the greatest toys ever created.
  4. ssj4raditz

    Do you gamble?

    I play the lotto/powerball on occasion, if that counts as gambling.
  5. ssj4raditz

    Question of the Day, April 4, 2010

    Chocolate bunnies!
  6. ssj4raditz

    Subtle references in kids' cartoons

    Chowder has quite a few pop culture/video game references in it.
  7. ssj4raditz

    Final Fantasy IX Confirmed for PSN

    Still got my physical copy of FFIX, but it might be worth getting the PSN version so I can play it on my PSP. Hmmm...
  8. ssj4raditz

    Favorite TV Show?

  9. ssj4raditz

    Poll: What is your favourite gaming platform?

    It's so hard to choose! I guess, just going from amount of games and play time, I use my 360 more than anything. That doesn't discount the PC's goodly amount of accessible games, or the PS3's great exclusive, or the Wii's... well whatever it has.
  10. ssj4raditz

    New A-Team Trailer Hits the Net

    I so cannot wait for this!
  11. ssj4raditz

    Question of the Day, March 31, 2010

    Invincibility... I never want to die playing a Mega Man game ever again!
  12. ssj4raditz

    Poll: Best Nintendo Console?

    SNES. And, for the record, I think you should've put "Best Nintendo SYSTEM" and not "Console" seeing as how handhelds aren't consoles... Or maybe I'm just being a tad too anal retentive here!
  13. ssj4raditz

    Poll: Which FF13 class would you be?

    Ravager. Chain those baddies!
  14. ssj4raditz

    Poll: Which Sandbox game is really good?/best?

    Fallout 3 takes it for me. But, I've just gotten into Just Cause 2, and that game is bonkers and so much fun.
  15. ssj4raditz

    Your favourite Beatles song

    Here Comes the Sun, I'm Looking Through You, and I've Just Seen a Face.