Recent content by StinkingOoze

  1. StinkingOoze

    Poll: Are you weird?

    And i was half expecting everyone to say they're not weird in some profane weird way.
  2. StinkingOoze

    Poll: Why I Wish I owned a PS3...

    Demon souls End.
  3. StinkingOoze

    Poll: Are you skinny, fat, or fit?

    Shame, I wanted to see more obese. My plans on injecting grease into healthy foods isn't working.... I mean. Celery?
  4. StinkingOoze

    lets talk about beards.....

    *Sly smile* Oh, I had to type that, because the excessive amount of beard has rendered my mouth useless.
  5. StinkingOoze

    Livin' in the UK....

    Once, but that was, a llong time ago kiddo, you don't wanna go there friend. Place is full of mutants now, but if you do, make sure to stock up on gems+flashlights.