Recent content by Street Spirit

  1. S

    what's the Worst teacher you have ever had. No names please

    I had a teacher that could spend years if he wanted to talking about anything, his last topic was Spanish trains, after they came up in the listening mock, we never did finish that test, it just really slowed down our progress which is kinda important, in a 2 year period (To be fair you could...
  2. S

    IF you could remake one show from your childhood, what would it be?

    That'd be great, Oh god I got the theme tune stuck in my head now....
  3. S

    Your Most Traumatic Experience

    I got a puncture while out on my road bike down a 15% hill, carrying some speed I came flying off, thankfully there were no cars about otherwise I wouldn't be here right now, having said that a shattered collar bone wasn't the most pleasant of feelings....
  4. S

    Poll: Mac or PC

    Linux by far, as long as you get a decent build version your set, and it's far less hassle(In my experience anyway) plus you can build your own computer with it.
  5. S

    Whats the one place youve always wanted to go?

    I've always wanted to go to New York and Hong Kong
  6. S

    Confessions of a Game Shop Employee

    One I've always wondered is: Are you always to promote the latest Disney/Nintendogs release and then force the parent who knows nothing to buy it?
  7. S

    Playstation games that you can't believe you still own.

    I had some mickey mouse game and it would always freeze at the same place......