Recent content by Subscriptism

  1. Subscriptism

    Why is Internet Explorer "a joke".

    In my opinion it's slow and it's interface is fucking painful compared to either chrome or firefox.
  2. Subscriptism

    Poll: Doctor Who Could Be Better

    Considering that over 90% of the British population is white and they're only going to choose British actors then I'd say we're about in line with the skin colour percentages. The chances of having an actor that suits the role and is an ethnic minority where the minorities are very minority are...
  3. Subscriptism

    Rome 2, Total War. Has it been fixed?

    It's most of the way to fixed. AI is still pretty stupid.
  4. Subscriptism

    Breaking Bad Antagonists (SPOILERS UP TO THE LATEST EPISODE)

    Walt is still the main antagonist. If you're talking about Jack, Todd and the rest of the nazis then they are tertiary at best only still around to tie up Jesse's story. I spent the entire season rooting for Hank and then anyone else who will take Walt down or out. Walt is still the biggest...
  5. Subscriptism

    Poll: 61 Percent of Britons Believe Games Cause Violence

    Thanks to the mass media and the BBC for broadcasting what people "reckon" without any data to back it up.
  6. Subscriptism

    Australian Government Scrutinizes Videogames Classification Rules

    If GTA 6 is released under a different name can we avoid this shit next time? What is it about the GTA name that makes every stuck up old prick go into "protect the children" mode?
  7. Subscriptism

    Are you a superchromat?

    281. I have terrible time distinguishing hues of blue and purple. I am however diagnosed colourblind. The entire third line was the same colour to me. Beat that for having shit eyes guys.
  8. Subscriptism

    CRACKED: "6 Sexist Video Game Problems Even Bigger Than the Breasts"

    Bioshock has a stronger case for it than The Last of Us but neither is sufficient. The point of The Last of Us is that Ellie is a child all further arguments are rendered moot by this, Ellie doesn't have "Father issues", Joel has daughter issues. Bioshock on the other hand contains a very...
  9. Subscriptism

    Fox News Host Wants to Monitor Your Gaming Habits

    Monitoring people's purchases of guns is a horrible infringement of freedoms. Monitoring people's video game purchases? Nothing wrong with that. Just the normal Fox News bollocks, carry on people.
  10. Subscriptism

    What's the most awesomest book you've ever read?

    I loved The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's fear by Patrick Rothfuss. I know the main character is by the end of the second book fucking amazing at everything and has very few weaknesses or flaws but I still love it.
  11. Subscriptism

    Rockstar: GTA 5 Let's Plays Good, Spoilers Bad

    What are they fucking Nazis? No unboxing? That's insane you bought the damn thing and yo aren't allowed to show it to people? I'm not even going to try point out the other things wrong with this, better people will do and have done. I'll just say that rockstar clearly haven't seen how little...
  12. Subscriptism

    Bioware: Next Mass Effect on "The Right Track"

    I'll believe it when I see it, until then I'm assuming it's going to be shit.
  13. Subscriptism

    Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder

    To be fair all Fox News viewers already believe this shit and people who don't watch Fox News know they spew shit at a rate that would dwarf any sewer outlet pipe. This doesn't concern me.
  14. Subscriptism

    Apple Fans Camp Out For iPhone That Doesn't Exist Yet

    Fucking losers, and people say gaming fanboys are pathetic. I think we have found a fandom that is only a short step behind "that which shall not be named".
  15. Subscriptism

    Activision Publishing CEO Decries Death Threats Against Devs

    It the fucking disgusting pustules that do this sort of thing that need to be permabanned from every server world wide.