Recent content by Sundavar

  1. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    As far as designing placement of the fans goes, we are going to research the most common placement of fans and attempt to place them in the most common places. We may consider the filters, but we want to keep this thing as cheap and effective as possible. If we decide to seek a patent, we may...
  2. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Thanks to everyone for their feedback. To clarify, we are talking about a carrying case for a laptop, not what you are thinking of. Surprisingly enough, we did some rather thorough research, both searching online stores and U.S. patents and it doesn't seem like anyone else has attempted to...
  3. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Hm. We hadn't thought of anything like that. That's a very interesting idea and we will definitely consider implementing that... I'm starting to get some nice visions of a "Laptop on-the-go companion" that could do quite well...
  4. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    If we do end up taking this farther than just a school project for credit those are actually really handy ideas. We would definitely have to do more research. One question though, why the metal? If the plastic was durable wouldn't it be a lighter and cheaper alternative? Or did you have another...
  5. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Thank you! We intend to do some research on the optimal fan placement, and movable fans are being considered as a possibility to make that problem nonexistent, but that might have too big of an impact on structural integrity to work. Those are definitely some things for us to keep in mind and...
  6. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    We are considering a system that offers two options: both battery power and USB power. The purpose of the battery power is to avoid the drain on laptop battery that USB power causes, but we still want to have that as an option if batteries are unavailable or if power drain is not a problem...
  7. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Probably not very much, the fans themselves aren't that expensive and the material for the case really shouldn't be that expensive either. So speculatively relatively cheap but we're still in the research-ish phase now.
  8. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Awesome, awesome. At this point in the project all we need to do is prove that there is demand for our idea, and forums count! :D
  9. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Well, in the prototype we will probably be using some sort of budget fans so noise level isn't necessarily something we're considering, although I'm sure (based on the cooling pad I currently own) that it would be pretty quiet, certainly unobtrusive. Ideally, the fans in the case would be...
  10. Sundavar

    Interesting Idea for Laptop Users

    Dear Laptop Users of the Escapist community, I am in an engineering course at my high school and for this year we have to do a project in which we create a product and present it to a panel of engineers. For this project my partner and I are considering creating a laptop case with a cooling...
  11. Sundavar

    What behaviour do you HATE?

    In WoW, in randoms, leaving after a wipe or two. People don't seem to understand that the content is actually difficult now, and the only way to get through it is patience and learning the fights one attempt at a time
  12. Sundavar

    Buying a Laptop

    Because in my current situation a desktop would not be possible. I'd have nowhere to put it and I go between houses a lot. I'd just build my own if I had the space and didn't have to take my computer with me to places so much
  13. Sundavar

    Buying a Laptop

    Wow. Thank you so much I will definitely buy that notebook instead. I haven't had any problems with my Acer anyway, so I'm glad that I can continue to use their products.
  14. Sundavar

    Buying a Laptop

    Hello fellow Escapists, I'm here again with another question that I can't seem to answer for myself. And so again, I reach out to you for your wonderful opinions. NOTE: Skip the giant second paragraph if you don't care about tech specs. Also, I'm afraid I'm going to bed right after posting...
  15. Sundavar

    Are you happy with your life?

    Hell yeah. I'm a student in high school with stellar grades (4.5 GPA) and extremely good PSAT scores. I don't have a job and my day-to-day activities are generally 1. Go to school - Learn stuff that's actually interesting in engineering and physics classes and nod at appropriate times in all...