Recent content by SuperDarkLink

  1. SuperDarkLink

    FF 7 remake

    I'm on the fence about it. People have been asking about a remake since that ps3 tech demo they did a while back. this one: All that being said however, if its awesome then that might be enough to get me to buy a ps4.
  2. SuperDarkLink

    Smaller Devs Abused By Steam's "No Questions Asked" Refund Policy

    I have used the system once so far (it was an indie game on early access, it wasn't bad it just didn't play very well due to some poor optimization) and honestly i like it. Got my money back within the week too. I will say however is that it does make buying multiple games kinda silly because if...
  3. SuperDarkLink

    Poll: How Happy Are You Being Single?

    im quite happy being single. partly because i've been single for a majority of my life (21 years) and partly because in being single (and not giving a damn ) i troll all the assholes who keep badgering me to laid.
  4. SuperDarkLink

    who are your favorite cartoon villians?

    It might say a little about me but I thought Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic was a freaking riot. Chocolate rain indeed...
  5. SuperDarkLink

    LGBT in Video Games

    I don't mind them. I've met gays and lesbians and i have no problem with them. its only when a lesbian gives me a dirty look that i get pissy. here's an example in case you dont get what i mean. I work at a restaurant. one night while i was doing stuff in preperation for closing the dining room...
  6. SuperDarkLink

    Cartoons you used to watch that no one else knew of.

    I remember watching a cartoon when i was a wee laddie (21 now) that was like teenage mutant ninja turtles but instead of turtles they were sharks. sadly i cant remember its name to save my life. give me a moment...Street Sharks! That's it!
  7. SuperDarkLink

    i've been thinking...

    During a chat with my mom while she visited me at work one night a few weeks ago, she suggested various career paths she thinks i would be good at. while my current workplace is no where near as bad as it was last time i was here (full time at a fast food joint) i do agree that i really dont...