Recent content by Syntax Error

  1. Syntax Error

    How much LP footage did Anita Sarkeesian "steal", exactly?

    This, my friends, is called "Missing the point entirely"
  2. Syntax Error

    Who is the Most Powerful Superhero (Marvel/DC) Ever Created?

    On the Marvel side, it's Franklin Richards, son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm. He's pretty much the collective author avatar of the whole Marvel team of writers and status quo enforcer. There's a fine YouTube channel dedicated to the Marvel Mythos (MarvelExplained) that deals with characters...
  3. Syntax Error

    Was it prudent of Jennifer Lawrence to take pictures of herself nude in the first place? Y/N?

    The eternal rule of the internet: JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD.
  4. Syntax Error

    Picture thread? Picture thread

    Thanks for the fix, guy. I swear I previewed that post before I posted it.
  5. Syntax Error

    Picture thread? Picture thread

    Now, I don't want to be that guy, but whenever I see threads like this, I always default to one reaction: THERE! ARE! GIRLS! IN THE! INTERNET!!!!!!!! And it's been 6 years since I became an Escapian. How I keep getting that reaction is beyond me. Anyway... here are some pics of me and...
  6. Syntax Error

    Multiple AAA franchises regularly starring a female protagonists now and forever

    And there's the rub. Were those actually GOOD games? Not even asking if it's awards-worthy, just if it's a good game. Also, what sales are you comparing it on to classify it as a success? Because damn near every release is a failure when compared to something like COD.
  7. Syntax Error

    Western comic book references in manga/anime

    Watsuki. That's Nobuhiro Watsuki. Ruruoni is quite the influential work as well. It's a shonen with a lead that's 29 years old! That's practically ancient by shonen standards! Also his assistants were the authors of One Piece and Soul Eater (you can see the logos of the respective mangas...
  8. Syntax Error

    Multiple AAA franchises regularly starring a female protagonists now and forever

    Well, it would really depend on the setting. Something based on actual history might not work though there ARE very influential women out there. Maybe if you could play as them? Fantasy and Sci-fi are the ones that give a lot of wiggle room, because you can forge a setting from the ground up...
  9. Syntax Error

    Multiple AAA franchises regularly starring a female protagonists now and forever

    Maybe games with playable female protagonists would sell more if they were actually fun? It's like INNOVATION, really. You don't "innovate" for the sake of innovation so you have a new feature bullet point at the back of the box. "Diversity" is probably the newest buzzword these days and for...
  10. Syntax Error

    What does 'Fem!' mean?

    It's used when referring to a character who appears in the same work but in different forms of himself. In your example, Fem!Shep denotes Shepard, but Female. Sure, there might be better and easier way to denote this, but internet people like to be dramatic.
  11. Syntax Error

    Poll: Escapist: Can you drive a Manual?

    I drive stick. Tho when I buy a new car it'll be probably an automatic.
  12. Syntax Error

    The Witcher 3 Internal Design Documents Revealed in Huge Leak

    Your main protagonist is a meaty beefcake of a man that's sterile AND immune to all diseases. What else can you expect? Seriously though, I won't access the files, cuz SPOILERS, but the response is what we expect of CDPR. They're total bros! Instead of damage control, they treat their...
  13. Syntax Error

    Pewdiepie and YouTube Money, and what it means for us. Yes, this post is about money.

    Making a persona IS a skill. Just take a look at his older videos. He didn't wake up one day and make videos the way he does now. It's a process, and the more you do it, the better you get. Hence, SKILL.
  14. Syntax Error

    Favorite JoJo Stand?

    Cuz third part iz best part... Star Platinum. Just because of how he was introduced. He caught a bullet to the head. Which was fired at point-blank range.
  15. Syntax Error

    Glasses or no glasses?

    I was an IT guy who sat around in front of my laptop all day developing ETL (particularly the T and L parts) scripts. Then I play videogames for a hobby. In my last check up, second, third and fourth opinions, it seems my eyesight is still 20/20. But still, better to err on the side of caution...