Recent content by TerranV

  1. T

    Jim Sterling in court.

    I don't think they actually care about what Jim says about their games but rather, what he says about Steam's lack of quality control. Jim has been one of the most vocal in criticizing Steam letting any old shit be put on their store. If Steam gets its act together then DigiHom might lose its...
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    Should Final Fantasy XII get a re-release?

    I agree. If the story can't be told throughout normal gameplay, then the game failed at effectively telling its story.
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    Should Final Fantasy XII get a re-release?

    Yes it's called world building. XI might not have been the most unique of fantasy worlds, but at least it felt like a fully realized world rather than a bunch of pretty interconnected "rooms".
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    Should Final Fantasy XII get a re-release?

    I'm of two minds on it. At first I'm like, "Yeah I'll give it another go." Then I think, "You didn't like it all that much the first time and you won't like it anymore the second."
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    I think I am getting a bit tired of open world games....

    Yeah I'm tired of them for the time being. The Witcher 3 killed it for me. The world is large and beautiful to look at, but once I figured out it was mostly populated by chest sitting out in the open guarded by groups of monsters, I immediately decided to finish the main story and be done with...
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    Zero Punctuation: Xenoblade Chronicles X

    Other than the ability to fly the skells have nearly identical combat mechanics to fighting on foot. Except with longer cooldowns on all their abilities to ensure you spend more time sitting doing nothing.
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    Konami Denies That Kojima Has Left, Says he is "on Vacation"

    Now that's just silly.
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    Jason Momoa Says His Aquaman Costume Is Inspired by ?Pollution?

    Yes I have seen them and I think theres a good reason 90s Aquaman stayed in the 90s.
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    Jason Momoa Says His Aquaman Costume Is Inspired by ?Pollution?

    Batman dresses like a flying rodent and Superman is an alien who wears bright primary colors. There is an inherent level of silliness to comic book super heroes that people genuinely love. Aquaman being portrayed as Khal Drogo from Atlantis comes off as trying to hard to be taken seriously to me.
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    This Isn't Even my Final Form: New Legendary Pokemon Has Five Forms

    After Diancie and Hoopa, I was worried they forgot about poor old Zygarde.
  11. T

    The Visit - Who Keeps Giving Money to M. Night Shyamalan?

    I heard about that. All I could think of is that scene from Venture Bros. when Dean yells out "HIS POO DIAPERS!" at Triana.
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    DC Comics Goes Looney Tunes With New Variant Covers - Update

    I never realized I needed a picture of Wile E. Coyote and Sinestro in my life. But I guess I did.
  13. T

    8 Terrible Video Game Villains

    Ah poo. Well I guess they don't completely contradict each other. Kuja's attack on the crystal is still what motivates Necron either way. But yeah I still wouldn't call him the game's villain by any stretch.
  14. T

    8 Terrible Video Game Villains

    Actually I think the implication is that Necron is the true form of the Iifa Tree. Another fun connection is that he uses Exdeath's Grand Cross move and in FFV Exdeath was a tree that gained sentience after being possessed by an evil spirit.