Recent content by th15

  1. T

    Indie Developer Showcase, Day One: Captain Forever

    Moar Polychromatic Funk Monkey!
  2. T

    Sex and the Single Gamer

    Didn't Endo say that he was wearing his "Rock out with your Contra out" shirt?
  3. T

    Good action games

    Everyday Shooter?
  4. T

    Battleships are Forever! (A custom ship discussion and showcase topic.)

    Hello guys, just wanted to show you something SilverWingedSeraph did with the tools that will be added in the next version of the game: Should be out in a couple of days.
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    Fraxy vs Battleships Forever

    Oh hey, and I was wondering where I was getting hits from... hope you like Battleships Forever.
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    Review: Mega Man 9

    "Case in point: the jumping mechanic, which adjusts the height of your leaps according to how long you hold down the A button. It's a direct holdover from the original NES controller, which lacked the pressure sensitive buttons that have become standard on modern gamepads." Umm, what? If we...
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    My Star Wars War

    I wonder about this sometimes. What really is his? At some point, the fans of a product begin to outstrip the creator in terms of the amount of time, love and attention given to the lore. Our conception of physical property can't simply be transposed onto intellectual property. They're not the...
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    134: What If Everyone Could Make Videogames?

    It's a little unfair that middleware such as Game Maker, Torque or Darkbasic aren't mentioned at all. Certainly they play a part in making the process of game-making more accessible. What relevance does XNA have to an audience who can't even write VB or Python.
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    Valve Releases Nvidia-Exclusive Portal Demo

    Ironically, there's a little ATI logo at the bottom right of the portal homepage. THE GEFORCE IS A LIE!