Recent content by ThatOneJewYouNo

  1. T

    The 9th Circle Of Gamer Hell

    Never being able to get that final stab into the 16th Colossus from SotC. He would just shake and throw me off FOREVER. And that fall takes god damn weeks to recover from. That is my personal gaming hell.
  2. T

    You vs Your Avatar.

    ... My Avatar is a button. A button. I think I'll be fine.
  3. T

    Gen Con 2011 Cosplay Gallery

    WHY DO I NEVER SEE YOU THERE GREG. D: Next year you should post a meet-up for The Escapist members, it would be fun. Plus it's going to be my fifth year next year too. Amazing cosplayers this year. :D
  4. T

    So, Escapist, why're YOU not sleeping right now? PART 2!

    Because right now it's past 7AM. If I wasn't awake there would be something very wrong.
  5. T

    Seriously, stop calling it the "God Particle"

    I'll call the Higgs Boson anything I damn well please! ... Which is Higgs Boson.
  6. T

    You are given a box... inside that box is ANY item from ANY game... What do you hope it will be?

    A Pokeball, for sure. Hopefully there'd be a Pokemon in it already...
  7. T

    Bethesda (Makers of such hits as Oblivion and Fallout 3) Says That WRPG's Are More Realistic Than JR

    You know I've heard all of this type of arguing before, except it was over a fictional book. A book about a man coming back from the dead to spread his father's word or something, I've never read it. It's a best seller, I hear. My Assassin's Creed reference should do enough to say this...
  8. T

    What did you do on your 18th?

    I worked, came home, and played CoD with my boys. I'm not a big fan of celebrating myself.
  9. T

    What did you waste your Masterball on?

    My first use? It was on a Drowzee. Haha, a level 14 Drowzee on route 11 was worth all the glory of a perfect catch-rate back when I was 9. I still remember it quite well. Nowadays? I don't use them. Yep. It gives a bad rep to us RNGers to use Masterballs, because it looks a little like...
  10. T

    Suggest a good RPG?

    -Reads OP- Hmm... Have you tried the Final Fantasy series? :)
  11. T

    Where do you think WW3 will start?

    It's not really where it will start. But rather, it will be when it starts. But a matter of where will be very important, because I look forward to meeting another group of society and being asked "Where were you when the zombies took over?"
  12. T

    Ok, the main character of the last game you played attacked you... How screwed are you?

    Hahaha.... Then my enemy would be Steve from Minecraft. I think I could take him. :D
  13. T

    You've just woken up naked next to the lead singer of the last band you listened to

    Hahaha, oh wow, I'd be next to Mike Hranica of The Devil Wears Prada. How far he must have fallen to fall asleep next to a slightly overweight Jew. Well I'd ask him for his autograph, but I think he'd start screaming or something. >_>
  14. T

    The Most Immoral Thing You've Done in a Video Game

    Holy crap. Much respect for adding that indeed too deep look into Pokemon. Now I almost feel bad for shiny breeding and competitive battling. I'll be sure to use this in a conversation in a future whenever a friend chooses a fossil. Again, kudos, friend.
  15. T

    The Most Immoral Thing You've Done in a Video Game

    ::Obviously all are minor spoilers, but this is a Project Zomboid spoiler. Check it out even if you haven't played it.:: I felt the absolute worst doing this: Killing Kate Smith, your wife, in Project Zomboid. I did it just to see what they meant by it during the alpha update, and oh...