Recent content by thebakedpotato

  1. thebakedpotato

    What's your favorite RPG and why do you like it?

    This. When you meet someone else who likes this game. You can't help but high five them. It's manditory. Hugging, however, is entirely optional.
  2. thebakedpotato

    Jimquisition: Tomodachi Strife

    This week saw the first draft of an openly gay NFL player. It makes me sad to call myself a gamer this week. The folks who beat me up in school are now more progressive than gamers are.
  3. thebakedpotato

    Jimquisition: Sexual Failing

    Someone's not gotten a new job and had to send the awkward facebook message of "Hey, remember the time when I occasionally expelled bodily fluid on your face? Yeah I didn't expect to meet you again either. How do you wanna play it?" Sex is the most complicated thing in our society and...
  4. thebakedpotato

    Diablo III's Expansion May Only Cost $30

    I am rather inclined to ask what you mean in this statement.
  5. thebakedpotato

    Poll: Dead-is-dead MMO?

    A Don't Starve MMO wouldn't be bad at all... An entire economy based on beard hair.
  6. thebakedpotato

    BioShock's Burial At Sea, The First Five Minutes

    I would be all... "Shut up and take my money!" but they already took my money... So this is just taunting me. It eats at my soul.
  7. thebakedpotato

    Diablo III's Expansion May Only Cost $30

    An interesting move. Of course, considering and -actually doing- are two very different things. Blizzard's been hit and miss since Cataclysm... and it looks like they're starting to feel the heat from competitors more and more. Here's hoping it pushes them to come out with goodies.
  8. thebakedpotato

    Jim & Yahtzee's Rhymedown Spectacular: Cabin Fever

    Is that a challenge?
  9. thebakedpotato

    My One Issue with Game Grumps (Both Previous and Recent Seasons)

    I find the whole "Let's play" video genre odd... I mean you're watching people play video games and dick around... When you could be playing video games and dicking around.
  10. thebakedpotato

    What is your definition of a "Gamer"?(as in, personality-wise/as a character)

    Someone who obsesses about what does and doesn't make one a gamer.
  11. thebakedpotato

    Men in Gaming

    That is one of the challenges of the medium. Honestly it needs to be addressed through better design and mechanics, nothing more, nothing less.
  12. thebakedpotato

    Men in Gaming

    Hur dur Feminism, Hur Dur Anita Sarkeesian. Hur Dur Castrate all living males. Can't really think of anything else to start out with other than that. I was reading the latest article from cracked that stirred this month's sexism thread (The one from last month being mine I think.) and got to...
  13. thebakedpotato

    Reasonable Comics For Reasonable People

    I suppose we'd have to go back to Wicker... Only all the bees are dying now.
  14. thebakedpotato


    That sounds like it would be a fun experiment that all people could benefit from. And I encourage you to do so.
  15. thebakedpotato


    I never understood the friend zone. To me it always reaked of lack of confidence. Rather than taking risks with new people you cling to them and hope Stockholm syndrome gets you laid.