Recent content by theonlywildman

  1. theonlywildman

    Annoying Video Game Quotes Forever Etched into your Memory

    If songs count then i'm throwing this one into the ring After beating the game all I heard was "THIS IS THE BEGINNING!" It just crawls into your head and implants itself there for months
  2. theonlywildman

    So I Just Bought the Beat Hazard Complete Pack today...

    Beat Hazard runs fine, but whenever I try to play Beat Hazard Ultra I get to the first loading screen and my computer does a soft reset on me. Anyone know of any reason why this might be happening
  3. theonlywildman

    What is your all time favourite anime?

    It's a toss-up between Paranoia Agent, FLCL, or Cowboy Bebop for me.
  4. theonlywildman

    Duke Nukem Forever Review

    Agreed i hope that Gearbox is not discouraged by this and continues the series. I still have faith in the King
  5. theonlywildman

    The Second Escapist Community?s Top 100 Games [Voting Closed]

    Twisted Metal 2 Dragon Warrior III Fallout New Vegas Mass Effect 2 Bully
  6. theonlywildman

    So.. What's with all the Gamecube Hate?

    Well I had a Gamecube and thought it was fucking awesome my first ones laser for disc reading went bad so I had to get a second one. Then I got a 360 and a PS2 and eventually stopped playing it. I sold it after some very hard thinking and coaxing from my friends. I would regret this decision...
  7. theonlywildman

    Duke Nukem Forever PC Specs Revealed

    Hell i cant run it on my pc, good thing i have Xbox.
  8. theonlywildman


    Carl's was pretty dark too. I main Tager with an alt of Hazama. i dont play too much online (partly because i dont have Xbox live gold) but im not entirely bad.
  9. theonlywildman

    Reccommend me some PROG!

    try out some Mastodon. Theyre more metal than prog but their new album is pretty proggy. I would post some links but i dont know how to do the spoiler tags.
  10. theonlywildman

    Most epic song line ever

    "I walked inside so i could hear. And the Guy beside me gave me a Beer!" Die for Metal-Manowar
  11. theonlywildman

    Apologize on behalf of your country

    AS an American i would like to apologize for the Jersey Shore. I do not know if it is shown in other countries but i can only hope that it is not
  12. theonlywildman

    Poll: How many of you play Magic the Gathering?

    i play just about every color but my favorite to play with is my mono-green. I tend to have bad luck with booster packs though i have opened up around 25 packs and got one mythic rare and 4 rare lands, my sister on the other hand opend up 4 and got two mythic rares.
  13. theonlywildman

    You know you play too many video games when...

    you know you played Fallout 3/NV for too long when you play another adventure game you instinctively hit the button for VATS and wonder why it isnt popping up.
  14. theonlywildman

    Have you beat New Vegas yet?

    Ive beaten 1/4 of the Main Quests AKA ive beaten the game for one faction