Recent content by thewhiterave

  1. thewhiterave

    Another new question to all you girl gamers out there...

    I don't get a lot of flax for my gender. I always try to be friendly and if anyone is an asshole I usually just mute them :/ My xbox mic just broke, so no more talkies for me. Maybe I'm just that cool? XD
  2. thewhiterave

    Black Ops, "Not Everyone Can Be a Soldier" AKA: *sigh*

    I couldn't watch past 1:51. Seriously, you rage, you lose. What ignorant bastards. That was the first time I've seen that ad, but I seriously laughed out loud. It's funny! It's a satire, I mean obviously not everyone can be a REAL soldier. But if they buy Black Ops, they can, in a way...
  3. thewhiterave

    Treyarch Forgot That Females Play Call of Duty Too

    My boyfriend wouldn't have bought Black Ops if I hadn't advised him to. It was a great investment. We female gamers DO exist... OT: I kind of see it as a silly mistake, but honestly they should have checked and rechecked themselves. For shame Treyarch!
  4. thewhiterave

    Poll: Anime Dubbed VS Subbed

    Subbed, hands down, no question. Dubbed versions lose all emotion and become way too silly...and supercrappy.
  5. thewhiterave

    Poll: Do you have one?

    I have one. The "one who spawned my father" bought it for me as a graduation present. Pokemon Platinum and Cooking Mama are the games I play the most on it. Yeah, I know. Cooking Mama. It makes me feel like I can actually cook.
  6. thewhiterave

    The rate the person above yours avatar game.

    11/11 I freaking love purple.
  7. thewhiterave

    Poll: Gabe Newell as an A.I. core in Portal 2 - Petition on the Steam Forums

    His voice makes me giggle. OT: I would be smirking the whole time while playing if he voiced someone or something. Why not? It's time ol' Gabe made a guest appearance. ...Did you know he used to be thin?
  8. thewhiterave

    Oddest Dream You've Ever Had

    It started as a normal zombie apocalypse type dream (which I tend to have a lot), until my brother became infected. I had to shoot him point blank in the head with a shotgun. And then we went to the carnival. It got really fun from there on out. We just kind of ignored that he was dead.
  9. thewhiterave

    Has music become a replacement for conscious thought in today's youth?

    I listen to music in the car, while on the computer, with my friends, while playing games...i even have it playing while I'm in the shower, rarely. It takes the dull silence of things and covers it up. I'm one of those weird people who can't study/do homework/housework without music. I just get...
  10. thewhiterave

    Your "Its Epic Time" Music

    Guns of Summer -- Coheed and Cambria. Oh hells yeah. "Let the cleansing begin."
  11. thewhiterave

    My first five hours on x-box live....

    I really like Xbox Live. Its fun to play with different people. I know people can be assholes, but I don't let it get to me. If there are annoying spammers, I just go somewhere else.
  12. thewhiterave

    The Grapes of Ash: A Pokemon Parody series

    Thats actually really fucking funny. Good on ya mate.
  13. thewhiterave

    The Closest Youve Been to Someone Whos not Human?

    My cat, Ada. She sleeps under the covers with me, sits with me while I'm on the computer, runs to me every morning when I wake up...she's my best friend.
  14. thewhiterave

    Games you like without any rational reason.

    Final Fantasy X... And Harvest Moon: AWL...i love growing little veggies and such.
  15. thewhiterave

    Immaturity in a guy/girl

    Good God Yes. Being sheltered is horribly immature. I have a friend who is 19. Her parents rule over her with an iron fist-- they made her delete her facebook because they felt: "She used it too much." She has to ask to stay over at someone's house, and they give her ridiculous times to be home...