Recent content by ThisJustin

  1. T

    Steam Christmas gifts. What did you get?

    I crafted 7 coal and got a 50% off Virtua Tennis. Yay! The kicker is I traded VVVVVV for 3 coal to do it. Hindsight is always 20/20.
  2. T

    How and when did you discover the Escapist?

    I'm pretty sure it was Stumbleupon that brought me here to an ep. of ZP. I kept returning to watch that and Extra Credits. I soon became a fan of Movie Bobs' and many other series. I watched for a year and half before joining and only began going on the forums about two months ago.
  3. T

    Steam Christmas gifts. What did you get?

    A 50% off valve coupon, and I have every valve game. VVVVVVVVV- don't know yet if I'll play it or trade it. Two pieces of coal. On a second account I got Day of Defeat:source and two coal just for the two easy steam tasks. OP: did you say you got gifts just for buying some games, because...
  4. T

    steam trading

    I traded some TF2 items for Borderlands a little while back. There is a whole section in the steam forums for trading. In fact I definitely recommend checking there before trading any items or games to get an idea of their worth. I learned this the hard way by looking afterwards and finding out...
  5. T

    Cheer me up

    Well, I've been dealing with some horrible stuff in my personal life for past few months, and escaping into games has been quite a help and fitting for this venue. Talking it out with people has helped quite bit too. Especially talking it out with the person or people that caused the pain, as...
  6. T

    So how was this gaming year for you?

    Gaming wise, this year was pretty awesome! I played all the main games most others are listing, and was only kinda disappointed with Rage. I still liked it, I just thought it was going to be more. DE:HR was alright, Skyrim has become my favorite game, and Portal 2 was everything I'd thought...
  7. T

    Poll: What sex do you play in RPG's?

    I'm a guy who plays male characters 80% of the time. In a game like Skyrim I always play a male first, and don't have a particular reason. I do play a female character in DC Universe Online though.
  8. T

    Poll: Favorite form of alcohol

    I love craft beers. IPA's are the best(so bitterly good), many awesome Ale's to be drank. Some Sours, some Stouts, and some Pilsners can be heaven too. Yellow, fizzy, watery beer has it's place(drinking for drinkings sake), but please people for the love of your taste buds try some full flavored...
  9. T

    My Issue with Dragon Shouts in Skyrim

    It is actually said that the mortals, or human type characters created more than the Dragonrend shout. Become Ethereal you are told was also created by mortals because the Dragons don't have use for it, they are immortal. It's also suggested that the shouts that don't make sense for dragons were...
  10. T

    So, I got rejected....

    Thank you for your kindness. Every little bit helps. OT:I realize now that I didn't achieve the tone I set out for. I am not trying to say my pain is bigger than yours, get over it! I was hoping a little perspective would frame the issue at hand. I thought at times, with the rejection I've...
  11. T

    So, I got rejected....

    I thought you were going to bring some real rejection for a moment. The way you feel is understandable, but you'll be just fine. So here's my story. I owned a retail store up until two months ago. The rent got to high and I had to close it down. Two weeks after that my girlfriend cheats on me...
  12. T

    What Race Do You Use In Skyrim? [And Why]

    Redguard because I've never played one before and he's made a decent Spellsword. Since Daggerfall about 90% of my builds have been Bosmer. Only in Oblivion did I try some Breton and Imperial to break away from always being a thief.
  13. T

    fastest you have ever gone on the highway or equivilant for non U.S. and under what conditions

    155mph in a 2000 Cadillac STS. 3am and no one on I-55. Oh, and this was my mothers car also, I didn't want mine back after that, I wanted to keep it.
  14. T

    Why care about Skyrim's menus?

    "I hate having to use the compass to go to my items" guess what, you don't have to. Want items press "i", want spells press "p", the map "m". Don't think there's 1-8 hotkeys, there is. Haven't been using the favorites menu "q" you're missing out. These are all thing there for you to use, and it...
  15. T

    Why care about Skyrim's menus?

    Favorite your items in the menu, press "f" next to the item or spell, then open the favorites menu "q" and press # key you want for those items. I have my most needed items and spell 1-8 and then a smattering of other important things along with them it favorites menu.