Recent content by tipp6353

  1. tipp6353

    Gun advocate mocks Australia's tough laws

    Why can't we accept the fact that as long as people are living on the earth they are always going to find ways to kill each other...A gun is a tool as is a bat knife or as we have all seen a pressure cooker, are we going to start banning said items just because they can kill people.
  2. tipp6353

    Let's play the superpower lottery!

    I got social cloaking,the power to instantly assimilate into any society or social group.I really don't know what that would be handy for
  3. tipp6353

    Poll: Are you guys upgrading to windows 8 ?

    No because it just looks like its made for tablets/phones and I don't want that for a desktop PC.
  4. tipp6353

    The movie that made you cry the hardest

    Both of those movies made me depressed.....I would have to say either Grave of the Fireflies or Secret World of Airetty...
  5. tipp6353

    Assassin's Creed III's "Big Jump" Only Possible Due to Annual Releases

    Umm I am not sure why you used Grand Theft auto as a yearly installment, Call of Duty would be more suitable.
  6. tipp6353

    Hitman Studio Apologizes For Nun Massacre

    The M1 didn't use a stripper clip it used a eight round en-bloc clip.
  7. tipp6353

    People you just want to smack.

    You got trolled bad. OT: People who walk out in the middle of the road and don't look both ways and you almost hit them.
  8. tipp6353

    The Dawnguard Debut Trailer is Here!

    I was expecting to kick some Thalmor ass...guess I'll have to wait
  9. tipp6353

    E3: Hands On with Company of Heroes 2

    I was spoiled by Men of War and its direct control system so I don't know if I will buy it or not.
  10. tipp6353

    Revenge of the Metacritics: Diablo III Getting Review-Bombed

    Can't really figure out what all the fuss is about aside from the DRM, the servers will be fixed so why complain.
  11. tipp6353

    Did you watch any animes as a kid...

    Zoids, DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic X and pokemon were about the only shows I watched that were anime.
  12. tipp6353

    Games that genuinely make you angry.

    Yeah I really didn't like Shogun so I went back to playing Empire and Napoleon with Darthmod.
  13. tipp6353

    What 3 games have you played the longest?

    1. Battlefield 2 2. Empire Total War(w Darthmod Ultimate Commander) 3. IL-2 Sturmovik( with UP 3.0 mod)
  14. tipp6353

    The last way you died in a videogame is how you are going to die IRL

    Bayoneted in the stomach and bleeding to death cause I don't have a bandage...thanks Forgotten Hope 2.
  15. tipp6353

    Writing on the wall - A chance to be a part of Escapist history!

    I would like to be on it...really don't care about all the other stuff as long as i can read it