Recent content by Travdelosmuertos

  1. Travdelosmuertos

    Why the "big boobs" "absurd female design" still exists?

    A character needs to be immediately recognizable from a distance. The more exaggerated the features, the more it stands out - the more dynamic it looks. This is one of the first things I learned as an artist. Silhouettes. Noses, ears, and eyes tend to be larger than normal on memorable...
  2. Travdelosmuertos

    Keanu Reeves Negotiating for Lead Role in Akira

    Keanu Reeves' father is half chinese, half Hawaiian (Polynesians are considered to be asian). I'm reminded of when people complained that Jake Gyllenhaal wasn't middle eastern for Prince of Persia when he is half jewish.
  3. Travdelosmuertos

    Kinect Has a Terrifyingly Cute Calibration Mascot

    MS figured out that little girls and moms find nothing cuter than a tarepanda. I blame Kinectimals and all the shovelware thats about to hit us for little kids. On a slightly related note, fuck Kinect for ruining my xbox dashboard.
  4. Travdelosmuertos

    Marvel Movie Ranks Swell With New Castings

    Gurney Halleck!
  5. Travdelosmuertos

    Marvel Movie Ranks Swell With New Castings

    My first exposure to James McAvoy was his role as Leto in the Sci Fi Dune/Children of Dune miniseries. He was excellent in those, and was great in Wanted, even though that movie was a ton of cheese. I also thought Atonement was surprisingly good
  6. Travdelosmuertos

    Escape to the Movies: Prince of Persia

    In the game, the voice actors have British-ish accents. The man who voices the Prince in Sands of Time is white. And surprisingly enough, Gyllenhaal pulls the part off.
  7. Travdelosmuertos

    Escape to the Movies: Prince of Persia

    Yes, I can't wait for four hour (8 hour director's cut) cluster fuck of a plot from MGS. Some properties should just stay in their native format, much like Frank Herbert's Dune. Too much interwoven plot and internal narrative for film. MGS has too many plot twists and "oh shit" moments. It'd...
  8. Travdelosmuertos

    Escape to the Movies: Prince of Persia

    I don't understand how people could rag on the ending and ALSO enjoy the Sands of Time ending. They're essentially the same thing. Also, the voices in the game are ALSO British. The original Prince is voiced by a white guy from Ohio. This video is the final boss and ending to the first...
  9. Travdelosmuertos

    Inmate Creativity: The PlayStation Tattoo Machine

    If they're allowed to have playstations, I also think it might be very easy to house all the parts inside of the PSX while not using it. Then, when they search your cell all they see is a playstation. But this guy is already dumb enough to be in prison in the first place, so I can't see him...
  10. Travdelosmuertos

    Inmate Creativity: The PlayStation Tattoo Machine

    It bothers me that tattoos are now a mainstream thing and journalists still can't get the "gun" misnomer out of their collective head. It's not a gun, it's a machine. Yes, there is a difference. Some guy just got busted in America (Georgia I believe) for tattooing his kids and CNN just played...
  11. Travdelosmuertos

    Kid suspended for having a Deathnote on a bus

    I think people here might be underestimating how fucked up living in western Pennsylvania can make you. I live there. It's like Twin Peaks meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre here. But, this case might be more this mom being overprotective.
  12. Travdelosmuertos

    Legendary Conan Illustrator Dies at 82

    I just pulled out my Frazetta collection books for reference on a fantasy piece I'm doing. I browsed through them for about an hour last night, appreciating every nuance of his work. This is definitely a bummer. I also pulled out my Boris Vallejo book. Shit, is he dead too? *Quick check...
  13. Travdelosmuertos

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Trailer Induces a Flashback

    They already released this game in 2006. It was called Black back then, though.
  14. Travdelosmuertos

    Student Builds 8x8 LED Version of Super Mario Bros.

    I live in Pittsburgh near CMU. Many of the students are foreign and have difficulty speaking English. CMU students always do cool projects like this, and the D&D Surface Scapes program. One of my friends who went to CMU (and now works at Gearbox) did an on-rails Ghostbusters shooter using...
  15. Travdelosmuertos

    Avatar Breaks Even, Surprises Everyone

    I know I said it Avatar had some similarities as well, but Star Wars just straight up plagiarizes Frank Herbert's Dune. Check this out if you don't believe me: