Recent content by trog08

  1. trog08

    Poll:So the new spider man is half black, half hispanic ,what do you think escapist.

    They didn't really do it with Green Lantern but. Hal Jordan still existed in the same "universe" they just made another Green Lantern character who was black. OT This feels more like an attention grab. If they wanted to make a new hero who had these traits then cool but snuffing out a well...
  2. trog08

    What's a movie you love but everybody else hates?

    I just saw Pirates 4 and I loved it. I thought it was just a decent adventure movie.
  3. trog08

    How did/are people celebrating St. Paddy's day?

    The most I've done is wear my Green Lantern T-shirt, I'm not a drinker so that immediately out the window.
  4. trog08

    Ads That Generally Annoy You

    Easily ads for life insurance with their really fake situations. "Oh it's so sad my husband died, why didn't he have life insurance to cover the expensive funeral." Like anyone actually says that just after someone has died, morons. On Australian pay TV they literally play two every ad break.
  5. trog08

    Adelaide Fringe Festival

    I used to love the Fringe festival.... Damn moving to canberra where everything interesting we had going for us got taken away.
  6. trog08

    Popular Science Chooses PlayStation Move Over Kinect

    Wait but Resident Evil 5 Gold edition has move support. Doesn't that kind of make it a Move offering?
  7. trog08

    Poll: What are You Asking for Christmas?

    I just want my 1/4 scale museum quality Joker statue.
  8. trog08

    What state are you from?

    I'm from The Australian Capital Territory. Best known (at least to the rest of the country) for porn, fireworks (not anymore mind you), politicians and now apparently beastiality...
  9. trog08

    Poll: Games prices in Australia

    Big W currently has Fable 3 for $88 and it's regular price is $99. Game and EB are the ones who mainly charge through the nose for games. I kinda don't get why people complain about prices when there are stores who don't charge nearly as much like JB and Big W.
  10. trog08

    Games you have spent over 100 hours on.

    I got somewhere around 200 hours out of FFX.
  11. trog08

    Games you think you pwn at?

    I like to think I'm good at platformers, action and Third person shooters but I SUCK at RTS and i'm not really very good with FPS'.
  12. trog08

    Things you just couldn't get into

    I agree with everything here except one thing. Devil May Cry is definetly not a God of War clone. The DMC series already had three games out before the original God of War was released. The gameplay is also a little different with DMC's relying on style and combos as opposed to the somewhat...
  13. trog08

    your avatar as a weapon

    Oh dear... I am soooo boned...
  14. trog08

    Bad Games You Love

    Can't believe I'm about to admit this... deep breath... Sonic 06...
  15. trog08

    Blizzard: Diablo III About as Big as Diablo II

    What I wanna know is, is it the same size as Diablo 2 before or after the expansion...