Recent content by TrogzTheTroll

  1. TrogzTheTroll

    Poll: New forum rules - Yay or Nay?

    Finally a reason to go to a good forum like Team Liquid.
  2. TrogzTheTroll

    Your Three Word Brink Review

    Just like ET (Which is a great thing)
  3. TrogzTheTroll

    Critique my two TF2 videos.

    Since the release of the TF2 replay system, I've been trying my hand at making a few videos with it. This has been a bit harder since I'm a noob at this and I haven't made a Machinima type of... anything, ever. I've made two so far, and would really appreciate any sort of feedback! -What...
  4. TrogzTheTroll

    Brink, Popularity, Whaaaaaaa?

    It's made by the guys who made Enemy Territory, so I'm buying it.
  5. TrogzTheTroll

    Portal 2 - What do you think?

    My reaction to seeing another Portal 2 thread: Liked it a lot.
  6. TrogzTheTroll

    Jimquisition: Solving the Sexism Situation

    Like it, but get rid of the MS paint crap please.
  7. TrogzTheTroll

    Gaming Sins

    It was my first time on Starcraft 2. I wanted to prove myself, show I can play this game and, if I really wanted to, be good at it! Play with some good players and improve my skills. Be able to pull off crazy cool stuff like I see in the live streams... I cannon rushed all of my first...
  8. TrogzTheTroll

    Poll: Semi-nudity and different genders

    Yeah, if that was true then wearing a top would have the same priority as wearing socks... (Just mentioning this randomly, but it sucks you got put on probation for using sarcasm apparently the mods didn't notice :[ )
  9. TrogzTheTroll

    Valve Announces Free DLC for Portal 2

    Free Valve DLC in MY Portal 2? It's more likely than you'd think.
  10. TrogzTheTroll

    One-Fifth of PS3 Owners Are Eyeing the Exit

    I don't see how Red Rings were as much as an issue as this. Red Rings caused an annoyance and a bit of time wasted as you got your new system. This puts your security at risk, and is still annoying.
  11. TrogzTheTroll

    VALVe no longer doing single player only games?

    I beat the first Bioshock in one sitting, and there wasn't any multiplayer either. So I guess it isn't a full game at all? Logic = kinda flawed. Honestly Bioshock was longer, though I did beat it in a sitting because I had nothing to do... but I'd still consider Portal 2 worth my money...
  12. TrogzTheTroll

    Secrets of Valve's "Bald Guy" Revealed

    I'd love to be pulled out of a coffee shop for something like that. Call me Valve, we can work something out.
  13. TrogzTheTroll

    DLC for Dummies

    Portal 2 is a good game.
  14. TrogzTheTroll

    portal 2 trolls

    I like Portal 2, I don't have to buy hats since it does nothing on the amount I enjoy Portal 2. Thread dismissed.