Recent content by unsmart

  1. unsmart

    No Right Answer: Best Superhero Team Ever

    The Justice League cartoon was better than the Avengers cartoon. Just needed to be said.
  2. unsmart

    Poll: Would you abort a pregnancy if the child would have Down Syndrome?

    I'm not sure but here's another question: Would you abort the baby if you thought it had a chance of being a dwarf?
  3. unsmart

    On the Ball: A Shoddy (Star)Craftsman

    Blizzard already said that the single player campaign will not help teach players to play multiplayer. They did say that there would be tutorials and challenges designed to help people prepare for multiplayer games.
  4. unsmart

    Scrubs Season 9: Thoughts?

    I have a feeling this might end up being a Saved by the Bell: The New Class
  5. unsmart

    Last meal(search bar approved)

    Giant Panda. Don't care how it's cooked, I want to eat one.
  6. unsmart

    Create A Drinking Game That Will Most Certainly Kill You

    Leaving Las Vegas. You take a drink every time Nicholas Cage drinks. The movie is about a guy drinking himself to death btw.
  7. unsmart

    songs that get stuck in your head really easily

    Smash Mouth - Allstar. It just won't leave my brain! That song has cost me many hours of sleep.
  8. unsmart

    What's the funniest question you've seen on a test?

    My tax teacher had a multiple choice question on a test: What does AMT stand for? a: A dyslexic person's way of spelling "MAT" b: Alternative Minimum Tax there were a few others. This teacher was great, he always used custom tests with people in class's names in it. Another one...
  9. unsmart

    Kid's cartoons with a dark underlineing.

    Mighty Max. Each episode starts with someone dieing off screen. Then there's the ending.
  10. unsmart

    Song(s) you have been enjoying recently.

    I've been listening to NOFX's new album a lot so "Best God in Show" And "Blasphemy (the Victimless Crime)" have been stuck in my head. Can't stop listening to Agent Orange - I Kill Spies
  11. unsmart

    Poll: Steampunk or Cyberpunk?

    I like both, Cyberpunk has Gibson computers that need to be hacked and Steampunk has awesome steam replacements for normal stuff.
  12. unsmart

    Name your blade

    Just laugh as it penetrates people. I named a fire sword I made in Oblivion "Cumhacht Tine"
  13. unsmart

    BlizzCon '09: Blizzard Talks Diablo III In Q&A Session

    Why be sad about the necro? The Witch Doctor looks like a fine replacement. The monk looks like a mix between the pally and the assassin.
  14. unsmart

    New mythological creature to get behind?

    Demons/Devils. They can be inside you, outside of you, real, imaginary, big, small, sexy, ugly, bloodthirsty, manipulative, they can pretty much be whatever the author wants them to be.
  15. unsmart

    Kinda-sorta famous relations.

    My grandmother claims we have a blood relation to Robert Ford, the hero who killed Jesse James.