Recent content by usernameisinuse

  1. usernameisinuse

    Report: Assassin's Creed: Unity Frame Rate Problems Across Consoles - Update

    That award is for US based companies and Ubisoft, at least according to my understanding, is not an US based company. Though I think it would be nice if there was a 'Worst Video Game Publisher" award or something like that. Maybe it would motivate publishers being less awful and we could have...
  2. usernameisinuse

    The Changing Face of Journalism: How We Will Meet the Challenge

    Thank you Mr. Keefer for this article. It was truly a pleasure to read and it was interesting to hear some opinions on the state of journalism from someone within the field. I cannot comment on the state of US media as I live in Europe but seems that there are similar problems in here as in US...
  3. usernameisinuse

    So I just started going for morning runs.

    It is great that you have been able to start the running routine. I have also tried to start running on daily basis for health reasons, but I always run out of interest after a while before the daily running becomes a habit and end up stopping the whole thing. Main reason for me stopping the...