Recent content by V8 Ninja

  1. V8 Ninja

    Why doesn't anyone call it the XBone anymore?

    My guess is that people just got sick of the nickname. While it was certainly a justifiable shorthand, literally everybody used it, including me. And after Microsoft did their massive 180 with their policies, there was no real reason to use the nickname anymore. Right now there's no sense of a...
  2. V8 Ninja

    Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich Steps Down

    You know, you guys do bring up good points. I guess I need to edit my original comment.
  3. V8 Ninja

    Feminists, we need to talk about fedoras

    ...Wait, people are shaming other people for wearing fedoras? I may not be in the "Loop" of social media and such, but seriously; What?! Is this some controversy-of-the-moment thing? Is this some irrational thought spawned by the internet? Is this some sort of...
  4. V8 Ninja

    Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich Steps Down

    So...people are defending a bigot. Well, that's something I didn't expect to see on these forums. As for my opinions on this topic;
  5. V8 Ninja

    Gamers DON'T Want Innovation.

    It's a good thing to note that Mathew Patrick (the creator of the video) has never taken his Game Theory show too seriously, so it's best to take whatever he says with a grain of salt. However, with that said I think I can point to one specific moment where the video shows its immense flaws...
  6. V8 Ninja

    OKCupid Asks Firefox Users To Support LGBT Rights, Switch Browsers

    Well, it kind-of sucks that the new Mozilla CEO is a bigot. However, until the man starts making contributions to anti-gay organizations under the company name I'll be fine with continuing to use Firefox. Other than being invested in Firefox, it seems like lots of other parties that are more...
  7. V8 Ninja

    The Colbert Retort

    ...So basically this is another incident where everything can be summed up as "Twitter Is Bad For Communication"? Well, looks like I gotta expand my "Why I Don't Use Twitter" list.
  8. V8 Ninja

    [SPOILERS IN OP] Kill la Kill finale: What did you guys think? [SPOILERS ABOUND]

    While I think the series ended with an awesome finale (was there any doubt?), I also think it was a step down from the previous episode. I mean... I also personally think that the pacing in episode 24 was a bit rushed for what are supposed to be big action-oriented twists. If Trigger was...
  9. V8 Ninja

    Survey: 86% of Gamers Prefer Ads in Free Games Over Paying For Games

    Some very important questions; - Where was this survey held? - Who were these 500 people? (gender, age group, type of occupation, etc.) - What game-playing devices do these people own? - What types of games do these people play? - What are the playing habits of each person in the...
  10. V8 Ninja

    Creationist Scientist Wants Airtime on Cosmos for Creationist Views

    Okay, so I'm bad at semantics and I (un)intentionally deceive people. I can dig that. What I don't need is literal walls of text explaining all that. I agree that justice must be done, but I would also say that there doesn't need to be hour-long dialogues on why stealing a car is bad. EDIT...
  11. V8 Ninja

    Creationist Scientist Wants Airtime on Cosmos for Creationist Views

    Yeah, as you noted Cerebrawls already chewed me out on that []. I'll try to do better in the future, although I will stand by the original message (that being...
  12. V8 Ninja

    Creationist Scientist Wants Airtime on Cosmos for Creationist Views

    Yeah, yeah, I know that there's a difference between scientific theory and common theory. I also agree that creationism is a host of garbage. I don't need literal paragraphs stating why my semantics are bad. If it makes you feel any better, I'll edit my original comment stating that there's a...
  13. V8 Ninja

    Creationist Scientist Wants Airtime on Cosmos for Creationist Views

    Technically evolution is a theory, just like creationism. HOWEVER, unlike creationism, there's a stupid amount of substantial evidence suggesting that evolution is a thing and has always been a thing. So-called, "Creationist Scientists," follow the words of some random books where as scientists...
  14. V8 Ninja

    Cleaning up Steam, your suggestions?

    While I really don't like TotalBiscuit (for various reasons), his recent video on Steam's current practices does have some helpful suggestions. Basically, Valve needs to have a filter in their "New Releases" category so that brand new games can easily be distinguished from simple re-releases. If...
  15. V8 Ninja

    Feminist Frequency Removes Fan Art From Tropes Vs. Women Banner

    "It looked like the original character and other people stole it, so it was OK for us to do the same!" While I understand the intended meaning behind Sarkeesian's words, her phrasing makes it sound as if she's giving a backhanded apology. Also, looks like this is another entry on the...