Recent content by Vault101

  1. Vault101

    Just left a "frienly" discord server.

    There is a possibility either these "radical" ideas you're laughing at aren't actually that radical to a lot of people or even if they were ridiculous/extreme hating on the "SJW's" 2016 style can alienate some people. I sure as heck get super uncomfortable at that kind of content. Regardless of...
  2. Vault101

    Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

    I really don't get why people devote thought to theories that aren't in any way actionable (yes philosophy is all theory but its still a very real thing that affects our morals and believes.) Unless we can actually do anything about being in a simulation who cares?...unless they dude...
  3. Vault101

    Relationship Red Flags/Mistakes

    Yeah, I emphasised that because you really don't know till you're in the situation and everything is a case by case basis. Then again I haven't had the chance to exercise that judgment yet so mabye I'll throw all my reservations out the window (again) cause love fixes everything! its extra fun...
  4. Vault101

    Relationship Red Flags/Mistakes definitely do not want to be giving anyone your login. That will backfire spectacularly. And yeah even if you are in a relationship with somone the phone (and especially massages) should be off limits. I mean I have been cheated on so it does drive you a little nuts but...I never...
  5. Vault101

    Relationship Red Flags/Mistakes

    I'm sure Red Flag has a somewhat different meaning to everyone. I don't view red flags as deal breakers per se but rather things you pay attention too at all stages of a relationship. In fact a red flag could even be manageable if you DON'T ignore it .Hence why I added mistake in the title, a...
  6. Vault101

    Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

    (shoves MAME roms under the desk) Emulator sites? what are you talking about I would NEVER do such a thing :oops: All my arcade games are original cabinets obviously. Jokes aside that's exactly what I've been doing. Been working on a list and everything. I don't think they'll ever truly be...
  7. Vault101

    Young South Korean Men Revolt Against Feminism in South Korea

    Those are some fair points. I don't think it contradicts mine though. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a self identified feminist who is in favour of the draft AND wants it only for men. As you said plenty of women believe that service should be open to women as well, even if they are (or...
  8. Vault101

    What have you purchased recently?

    So I learned that the model of the IKEA display case I have had a habit of exploding. Not breaking or falling over but the back glass panel randomly exploding without warning. I was perplexed at first but some theories suggested too much tension on the glass from the top screws being tight. I've...
  9. Vault101

    It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Code

    I have a Degree in computer Science! ...... So i can code but I have a lot of insecurity surrounding my abilities (Design and Analysis of Algothms had me pushing at the edges of my brain, as well as those coding tests they make you take for job stuff) for this and other reasons I opted not to...
  10. Vault101

    Lots of self-doubt, insecurity about future, etc

    I can relate. I used to feel this way. My way of breaking out of it was...well getting a degree which actually worked out for me. Unfortunately for a lot of people it doesn't always work out (immediately) the way its "supposed" to but its not anyone's fault. You're not a failure. It's just...
  11. Vault101

    Alternatives to FaceBook...(?)

    I'm actually going to defend Facebook in that its good for tracking down and reaching out to people (for completely non nefarious reasons) and messenger is useful. Other than that yeah its just a play pen for the boomers to share fake news. I go on there but I don't know why. Sometimes I use it...
  12. Vault101

    The Introduction Thread! šŸŗ

    1. What's the story behind your username? I liked Fallout...still like fallout 2. When did you start following The Escapist? BACK IN THE OLDEN DAYS 4. Any cool facts we should know about you? I was banned years ago for being an ass but now I am less of an ass 5. Any feedback or comments about...
  13. Vault101

    Can 24 be considered early 20s as well?

    These age distinctions are all pretty arbitrary at the end of the day. But yeah I'd consider 24 in that "early 20's" in all the things it entails. 25 I guess is the pivot point where you're life could by anywhere. 26 you're old, have a mortgage a partner and are gearing up for kids (I kid of...
  14. Vault101

    Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

    God damn Nintendo decides as soon as they can make money from their back catalogue to come down hard on emulation I have no love for game companies but I'm not about to go out and emulate a Switch or pirate a game.I just don't do that. But I'm also not buying myself a switch for the privilege...