Recent content by Veritasiness

  1. V

    Jimquisition: Joy Begets Anger

    It seems to me like the problem here is that gamers are just angry when "game media" does anything, at all. I think we've started to look at game media the way we do mainstream, general news outlets - biased shills sporting a position, rather than reporting the news. Also, vocal minority, blah...
  2. V

    LoadingReadyRun: Jonny Two

    Immediately - WHICH IS QUICK - is when I knew I'd like this video better than the first Jonny. The drunken frat persona comes across much better in this one than the first, and I think it works better overall. Not really sure why. I do think I'd enjoy seeing some videos in a similar vein...
  3. V

    LoadingReadyRun: Formal Complaint

    We prefer to think of it as an homage. That way we sound cultured. I'll admit that it was a bit TOO meta for me; it was almost predictably meta. Still, Andy's generic English policeman was very fun. Also, it does appear that the role of straight man has been transferred from Graham to...
  4. V

    Official Hunger Games Trailer Revealed

    First off: The Hunger Games is shockingly good for a kids' book. Don't dismiss it because of its target demographic. Don't dismiss it because Stephanie Meyer liked it. Certainly don't dismiss it if you didn't like this trailer; I didn't either. I've read my fair share of "teen" books, and I...
  5. V

    Poll: GOTY predictions (now that everything worthwhile has come out.)

    I think it will be Portal 2, but bear in mind I'm voting for it 'cause I think it's going to win, not because I want it to (though it was excellent).
  6. V

    How Will Shepard Beat the Reapers? (Minor Mass Effect Spoilers)

    Ah yes, Reapers. An immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed that claim.
  7. V

    "All PC Games Run On Macs." What?

    Both true - but you can run Windows on your Mac, natively. By natively, I mean without OS X or anything else in between your hardware and Windows; it will work just fine on its own and use the full capability of your system. Mac hardware is just wrapped in an extra shiny container; it's the...
  8. V

    LoadingReadyRun: Rent

    Tim is actually a combination of James, Jer and Matt, forged in the bowels of Canada from their DNA, and endowed with Paul's ability to have a cool beard. I still want to know what is done with the Mondays...
  9. V

    You can have one imaginary device

    A laptop containing files which explain the secrets of constructing transporters, matter replicators, faster-than-light transportation drives, and fully realistic virtual realities. Why not? :P
  10. V

    Poll: Are you religious?

    Just because it works for my example doesn't mean it works for all examples. But I was under the impression an atheist is someone who flat-out denies the existence of God, not somebody who would believe in God if sufficiently convinced - that's closer to being agnostic, though not quite...
  11. V

    Poll: Are you religious?

    By having a test for a supposed deity, and demanding that they comply with it, aren't you basically admitting that deity must exist? It has to, in order to decide to fulfill or not fulfill your requests.
  12. V

    Poll: Are you religious?

    Then what is everyone else working with - and how do you know? I didn't say they didn't have "ties." Religion and rationality have ties; see Aquinas's Five Proofs []. So do atheism and rationality. The only argument I've been making is that...
  13. V

    Poll: Are you religious?

    I don't think it's deflective to define rationality as what it is - or at least, the definition I'm working off of. The point I was, in fact, making was that rationality and atheism are in no way the same thing, any more than rationality and religion are.
  14. V

    Poll: Are you religious?

    I don't think holding a generally rational worldview is the same as being 100% rational all the time - but even if I did, the original argument still stands - as you said yourself, athiests are not always rational. Rationality is just the use of reason, not emotion, to solve problems. People are...
  15. V

    Poll: Reality is weird.

    Mortal men cannot comprehend the true complexity and strangeness of the universe :P