Recent content by vIRL Nightmare

  1. vIRL Nightmare

    people's misunderstanding of Korra and Asami

    But the creators announced that they hit it off.
  2. vIRL Nightmare

    why does Borderlands 2 punish solo players?

    It does not punish solo players. I've played much more of it solo then I ever did with others.
  3. vIRL Nightmare

    Ubisoft engineer: "Console manufacturers" decide whitch parts of games to keep, pressure 30fps limit

    I don't believe it and they need to provide some more evidence than cough, cough, hearsay, hearsay for me to believe them. Why do I say that? Well, that's because if you consult this table: in particularly in the...
  4. vIRL Nightmare

    Flawed gems

    Dragon Age origins. One of my all time favorites; it had a few areas that needed much improvement such as spell casters not being what they should have been among a few other things. I fervently look forward to Inquisition's release.
  5. vIRL Nightmare

    Does sexist tropes in video games influence behavior? Violence =/= Sexism?

    The issue is very muddy at best. My position on the thing is that the game itself has negligible influence if any at all on a person's disposition towards anything. I've played many games where I've shot, stabbed, vaporized, and magicked many people, robots, and aliens to death yet I believe it...
  6. vIRL Nightmare

    Sword Art Online and sexual assault as tension(spoilers for SAO II)

    On one hand it worked well for the plot, but the scene made me cringe pretty hard. I won't say that was a bad thing since that should be the result, it was just kind of agonizing to watch it play out.
  7. vIRL Nightmare

    Was it prudent of Jennifer Lawrence to take pictures of herself nude in the first place? Y/N?

    Fair enough, however the context needs to be changed when applying my point to something else. Perhaps only I think this way but it seems to me that there is an extreme lapse in judgement to take nudes of yourself. It is not an extreme lapse injudgement to try and make an indie game. Perhaps to...
  8. vIRL Nightmare

    Was it prudent of Jennifer Lawrence to take pictures of herself nude in the first place? Y/N?

    Under that limited and narrow view yes I'm satan. Having your possessions, money, even as i pointed out photos stolen sucks and it is the crook that is wrong for stealing anything. I'm addressing the issue as to why anyone is dumb enough to take naked photos of themselves at all. Perhaps I...
  9. vIRL Nightmare

    Was it prudent of Jennifer Lawrence to take pictures of herself nude in the first place? Y/N?

    Here's some advice. Don't do it ever for any reason through any means. It is a very poor life decision to not consider the consequences of your actions because you wanted a little sexy time when you can alternatively do so in the presence of your intended individual. There is no reason for...
  10. vIRL Nightmare

    Was it prudent of Jennifer Lawrence to take pictures of herself nude in the first place? Y/N?

    First, it sucks to have this happen to anyone. I certainly understand why she (but lets not forget all the others this happened to and how little they care in comparison)would be distraught over this. Second I feel like I shouldn't have to tell grown adults to not take fucking naked pictures of...
  11. vIRL Nightmare

    Teenage Male Gamers No Longer Biggest Demographic

    That was a thing? I don't seem to recall that ever being a thing. I've been into the whole videogames thing for more than 20 years and don't ever recall that argument. I pull a yellow flag and charge this statement with false accusations under personal opinions. I mean shit, thinking back to the...
  12. vIRL Nightmare

    Fat shaming vs. necessary dialouge on obesity

    Look, obesity is an actual problem and all though you don't need to be an athlete you should do something for your body. I'm 6 feet even and I'm generally around 215 lb. I'm a bit on the heavy side, I do however go hiking or jogging every other day for an hour or two, and because of this I'm...
  13. vIRL Nightmare

    How do you argue that you're not homophobic/racist/etc?

    If someone is accusing you wrongly for whatever reason either don't dignify them a retort or call them out on Mccarthyism, which ever is most appropriate.
  14. vIRL Nightmare

    GTA V Star as Adult Swim's Black Jesus Draws Protests

    The claim that they wouldn't make fun of any other religion tells me they don't know adult swim or it's contents very well.
  15. vIRL Nightmare

    Bullshit comes from both sides of the coin

    That's deep man. You just boiled over and spilled it out to us person to person. If I were you I'd be feeling a bit emotionally dead. Get yourself a cool drink, take some time to mellow out. Maybe get an ice cream cone, everyone loves that shit. Take this +1 and know you did good.