Recent content by vivadelkitty

  1. vivadelkitty

    Poll: Whats with the My Little Pony craze?

    I like it, not sure why I do. It's got good voice actors, a good producer, and overall the show quality is better than some other kids shows I've seen. To each their own.
  2. vivadelkitty

    Do good graphics really matter?

    For the most part, no. If they're so utterly terrible that I can't discern what's going on, it's an issue, but for the most part, I love cel-shading, N64 era graphics, SNES and NES graphics. It's probably just nostalgia, but what the hell. Doesn't make the games any less enjoyable.
  3. vivadelkitty

    Today is... the day you die.

    "With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!...and Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck."
  4. vivadelkitty

    Your avatar, would you date/marry it?

    Hm...I'm thinking no. Given that she's about seven years old, and likely to kill me at some point in time.
  5. vivadelkitty

    Question of the Day, January 28, 2011

    Gah, I love Marvel, but Capcom has Amaterasu...mix and match. I'm indecisive on this.
  6. vivadelkitty

    Strangest Pet Names

    I had a Siamese named Indiana Jones. We called him Indy.
  7. vivadelkitty

    Dark, terrible things...

    Another Ansem Retort reader? That's a rare sight :D
  8. vivadelkitty

    Yet another picture thread

    Nope ^_^
  9. vivadelkitty

    Yet another picture thread

    Indeed, this is another thread celebrating the faces behind the avatars of the Escapist. Post away!
  10. vivadelkitty

    You wake up and your avatar is in your room.

    I would probably freak out, considering that whenever Rika's around, it's not particularly safe.
  11. vivadelkitty

    Your stories of playing music live.

    I forgot the opening notes to Dowland's Fantasia, and kind of just improvised for a bit until I remembered them...that was interesting.
  12. vivadelkitty

    Locational Quirks

    One of the things I deal with while living in Utah is this strange unspoken rule about holidays. Mormons are notoriously protective of Sunday as their day of rest. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, be it Christmas, Halloween, or even the 4th of July, in Utah it's celebrated on Saturday. Yes, this...
  13. vivadelkitty

    Your Glasses

    Mine look somewhat like these: Except the frames are slightly lighter, and have an open bottom, so basically the bottom portion of the black rectangles is gone. Interesting story behind them too: The father of a friend of mine owned an eyeglass store, and personally helped me pick out...
  14. vivadelkitty

    Question of the Day, October 22, 2010

    I haven't met any of them yet, but I certainly hope to in the future.
  15. vivadelkitty

    Professor Layton's New Look Tied to Time Travel

    He's regenerated! wait, that's Doctor, not Professor... OT:Definitely an interesting look for the character.