Recent content by VoodooPuppeteer

  1. VoodooPuppeteer

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    Amazing!! Thanks so much!! Been trying to work out what this was for ages :D
  2. VoodooPuppeteer

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    My brother was given a point and click adventure game for the PC for a Christmas present (very) roughly 15 years ago. It featured a pizza boy who delivered a pizza to a mad scientist (I believe the scientist had a stereotypical German/Bavarian accent) who had just invented a device (I think it...
  3. VoodooPuppeteer

    Feed Dump: Klingon Hard Rock Heartache

    Highly amusing - particularly enjoyed that a story from Scotland made it in :) On the downside, however, Cam please never try and do a Scottish accent again, unless the person you're trying to impersonate is actually from the Highlands, and it's pronounced Glas-go :) Looking for to the Year of...
  4. VoodooPuppeteer

    Escapist Expo: The Escapist Q&A - Day 3

    The first thing that came to mind was: maybe they were just trying to save plastic on his nametag...
  5. VoodooPuppeteer

    Escapist Expo: The Escapist Q&A - Day 3

    I have to admit that I Googled Nicholas Picholas, and within two steps discovered that it's not actually his real name, but it's a definite "showbiz" improvement over Nicholas Schimmelpinnick
  6. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: Papers, Please

    The ad lib at the end was hilarious, as always, but unbelievable racist... oh well, glory to Arstotzka!
  7. VoodooPuppeteer

    Feed Dump: Shots, Texts and Skis

    Looking forward to BBC news referring to him as Kimmy Jongers in the near future... would soooo make my day
  8. VoodooPuppeteer

    Unskippable: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, Part 1

    Hell no!! I'd even prefer an Unskippable episode of Paul and James eating frozen yoghurt...
  9. VoodooPuppeteer

    Ubisoft: No New Games Unless They Can Be Made Into Franchises

    Rather than "no more one-shot titles", I think this just shows that Ubisoft are out of original ideas and/or paying the execs too much money
  10. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: The Canadian

    Happy Canada Day!! The translation chunk made me smile because that's a UK complaint about American spelling - I didn't realise Canada used -our as well, cool :) Oh, and Kathleen's ad lib anatomy knowledge made me smile :P
  11. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: Homebrew Hobby

    Does/do Kathleen/the rest of LRR have something against Warhammer or was that just Kathleen trying to find ways to super-impose ass synonyms into a video? And using a mobile phone wouldn't do that... Apart from that, awesome vid :D
  12. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: Ways to Make Money

    Hmm... I detect LRR-ception, has this ever happened before?!
  13. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: The Thin Blue Clue

    That was awesome, but there was a little continuity error near the start... :$ Paul as a kids' show host is hilarious, and I really enjoyed Jer as Wario
  14. VoodooPuppeteer

    LoadingReadyRun: The Whole Story: Pants

    Just to get in there early and give Paul time to prepare: "Dr. Paul - will you please perform the dance routine from MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This in parachute pants, perhaps with suitable female backing dancers and a guest cameo appearance by J-Man?" Really looking forward to Desert Bus this...
  15. VoodooPuppeteer

    Danes Mistake Assassin's Creed Screenshot For Modern Syria

    That would make sight-seeing in Damascus a whole new experience - randomly walking down a side-street when someone dressed in white jumps headlong into a cart of hay off a very high up perch... only to keeps going and plow straight out the bottom, or walking through the market and seeing a...