Recent content by werefish5

  1. W

    Pokemon: Gotta Catch One

    I'd love to have a Lapras, and there's a huge lake within driving distance. I might be able to find one there, though I'm not sure if Laprases live in lakes, or only in oceans. If it's limited to just walking distance, I would probably go for an Emolga (flying electric squirrel) or Pachirisu...
  2. W

    The best way to make someone believe you've gone insane.

    What works for me is laughing uncontrolably. Don't fake it. Actually find something that makes you laugh every time you hear it, then remind yourself of that. If they ask what you're laughing at, say something absolutly silly. What works for me is, "Tuesday's coming. Did you bring your coat?"...
  3. W

    Truth or False?

    True. It sounds like fun in a buttery way. The person below me talks to plants.
  4. W

    Type your username with your elbows.

    wedreefish54 Eh. Close enough.
  5. W

    The most disturbing thing you've seen in gaming.

    Just play this. It shouldn't take long.
  6. W

    The zombie rules: let's finally establish them.

    They don't have to eat, but doing so is the only thing they want.
  7. W

    I have a dwarf hamster! Help me name him?

    Aligator. You could ask people of they want to see your pet, Aligator.
  8. W

    Poll: Who has it better: Men or Women?

    I'd like to hear your opinions on which gender gets off easier.
  9. W

    Poll: Video Game Violence

    Video games are no more violent than real life.