Recent content by Westerschwelle

  1. W

    So escapists, what is the oldest game you own a PHYSICAL copy of ?

    That would be Descent I believe.
  2. W

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    Seriously Firefly. I would do almost ANYTHING to bring that show back!
  3. W

    English Breakfast!

    MRE's are awesome :o
  4. W

    English Breakfast!

    Well then, how about a nice german breakfast?
  5. W

    Your home town's claim to fame

    I'm from Leverkusen in Germany. It's the town where Bayer invented Aspirin and Heroin.
  6. W

    Your Battle Theme

    I am the Game and I know you can't take me :)
  7. W

    Anonymous Threatens Fox News Over Occupy Wall Street

    I like how people here think Anonymous is an organisation...
  8. W

    Poll: Security Guards V.S. 12-year old punk

    The kid got what was coming to him. I swear people these days have no respect for authority whatsoever! Not sure if it was entirely necessary but that's what you get for picking a fight with security personal. He can blame no one but himself for this.
  9. W

    Accents you find attractive

    Anything British really although I don't know if I'd like a cockney girl because i haven't heard one speak yet :-P
  10. W

    Take the "Which Doctor Who Villain Are You?" Personality Quiz

    I'm a Sontaran, but I saw it coming :) And now you will all die for the Glory of the Sontaran Empire!
  11. W

    Zombies are attacking your town/city and you and three game characters have to stop them

    I'd have two alternatives and both are very "Eastern": Misaka Mikoto (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun PSP Game) Shirai Kuroko (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun PSP Game) John "Soap" MacTavish (Modern Warfare) -------------------------------------------------- Hakurei Reimu (Touhou) Yakumo Yukari...
  12. W

    If they develop superior prosthetics, would you amputate your biological limbs?

    I would do it if it came with some kind of Bonus like enhanced strenght, a hookshot or an inbuild gun :-) Btw did anyone notice how similar Vanderbilt sounds to Vandenberg? Oh shit it's VersaLife :D
  13. W

    Could you kill a person?

    I could. But I don't know if I would be feeling guilt or anything like that afterwards because I never did it. I think I wouldn't but what do I know.
  14. W

    Poll: Do you believe in the Second Amendment?

    What has that to do with anything I just wrote?
  15. W

    Poll: Do you believe in the Second Amendment?

    But how many people know that?