Recent content by wickstopher

  1. W

    Rumor: Next Xbox Could Run Windows

    If this means I'll be able to run all of my Steam games on my XBOX without any restrictive DRM bullshit from Microsoft, I'll be one extremely happy camper. That + backwards compatibility and carryover of XBLA games from your original 360 account are what could make or break this system. For...
  2. W

    Game People Calling: Nintendo's Best Kept Secret

    I'd like to seem more of the old NES/SNES ports they've been doing for the WiiWare store included in the DSiWare store. They'd need zero control tweaks, and the DSi has the guts to run 'em smoothly. Seems like a no-brainer. I'd rather play all those old games on my DS than on my HDTV.