Recent content by WindowMaker22

  1. W

    Jimquisition: Why the Wii U May Have Already "Won" Next-gen

    Glad to have met you too Jimmy my boy. So how was the drink during the shindig? I never thought I would share a cheers with Jim Sterling. P.S. Oh God, my sides.
  2. W

    Escape to the Movies: Resident Evil Retribution

    Why make another Resident Evil movie? It should have ended with the second one (with the helicopter being blown up, not the weird ending with the 'I can kill you through a video camera' stare). Resident Evil was never about slow-mo action scenes. It was about survival horror and well, the train...
  3. W

    Here for Zero Punctuation? See Yahztee in Person Instead!

    Dang, I was looking forward to a ZP video. I think he flew out Monday with the others so like everyone else was saying, it makes sense. At least I have his signature and a picture of his dashing smile.
  4. W

    Escapist Expo: The Hour of Love

    I don't love the man but Mister Yahtzee was a lot better looking person than I thought. I missed the panel playing LoL and during the breaks it was full. Glad they took a video. I can't wait til they post the Q&A videos and Galvin live. Good times, good times.
  5. W

    Unskippable: Inversion

    Still funny as it was during the expo. Love your work guys. Can't remember word by word but when you guys said that core mechanics shouldn't be in the game title, then you said "Portal." Had me in tears. Edit: "The third lane" had me cracking up at 5:04.