Recent content by Withall

  1. W

    What was the last ending of a game that was genuinely satisfying?

    Even though this isn't the discussed topic, I would still like to put it out there, without intentionally giving a flame war regarding ME3's endings a chance to flare up, I think this is what most gamers (myself definitely) find a problem with the endings. All three of them are both...
  2. W

    Blogger accuses Dr. Pepper of not wanting women to drink new soda

    Wow. That tongue in cheek is so very firmly placed in there it's risking bursting through. Over the top is a good phrase. Now, I can if I squint and put on thick-rimmed glasses see why people found find this sexist (in the right frame of mind, it IS sexist as hell) but the irony oozing from the...
  3. W

    Bronies invade Pizza Hut

    I agree with you, but I closed the tab the moment I heard "everypony". Christ!
  4. W

    Poll: I need something to write a documentary on. The crazier the better!

    Hmh. Here's a dodgy one. How much the current population mankind would have to decrease to be able to sustain the rest of humanity.
  5. W

    Poll: You walk down the street and meet George Lucas...

    I would shake his hand, and praise him creating a crazily successful franchise. Then I'd humbly ask him to make a KOTOR trilogy, based on the most common playthroughs. Rhen, regardless of his answer or reaction, I'd thank him for his time, and be on my way.
  6. W

    You are going to be killed by the last weapon you used in a game. How are you feeling?

    .... I will be turned into a super-charged vapor of plasma before I would even notice what happened. (EVE Online-Absolution with lasers).
  7. W

    Aliens are invading and you are armed with the last weapon you used in a video game.

    "Flight Deck: engage targets at will. This is our planet. Tell the fighter pilots to leave nothing but charred remains on the surface when we're done- run sensor boosting protocols and have armor repair crews standby should they be able to break through the shield."
  8. W


    What are her boobs made of? Kevlar? Holy crap, those were some epic knockers!
  9. W

    Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.

    Mech Commander 2, for the PC. Unrefined UI, very clunky controls. The story did help in keeping it interesting, but it was largely forgettable unless you actually were a Battletech fan.
  10. W

    Would you go back to the old days? (Current teenagers might not understand)

    I would go back in time in terms of population count, but not in terms of technology. Less people, better tech= Win-win for most.
  11. W

    Poll: Bioware Wants Our Opinion on FemShep

    My vote goes to four, but I'd like her to be a redhead, since that is what Jane Shephard started out as. Five is my close second, but only because she looks better than the other four aside from #4 and herself.
  12. W

    Daily Drop: GameBoy

    I wanted to see if the Gameboy was still working after that whack. Nintendonium FTW!
  13. W

    what's your IQ score?

    Last time I checked on an online test, I got around 11x. High 11x, at least. Not really that impressive, seeing as I'm not putting my brains to much use :P
  14. W

    Poll: Who WEARS wrist watches anymore?

    Once I can find a decent, durable wristwatch, I'll buy and wear one. Until then... well. My phone is like a computer for a reason.
  15. W

    Simple wish you have right now.

    While the idea of "free underwear" would be awesome, right now I'd like someone to hand me a wallet with few hundred dollar bills, and say "it's cool- enjoy". Just once would be enough, and it'd cheer my up like nothing else right now.