Recent content by XX Y XY

  1. XX Y XY

    Star Control 2 - Interstellar Awesome

    Makes me so happy every time I see this game come up. :D This game has the best mix of story, challenge, and tight game play that I've ever experienced in a game. Easily my #1 game I've played to date. Could go on for hours about the reasons I love this game. For anyone that's wondering if this...
  2. XX Y XY

    Destiny IS Mass Effect?

    Mass Effect IS a blatant rip off of Star Control 2... And a bit of Star Control 3... but mostly 2. It just gets away with it because Star Control 2 / Ur-Quan Masters is a lesser heard of title. Shame since it's the superior game by far. Which should be obvious since it's the best video game ever...
  3. XX Y XY

    The Hidden Geek Street Cred Behind Skylanders

    The Skylander series was developed by the same team that developed Star Control 2, the greatest video game ever period. Just thought I'd hop on here and mention that because you know... Geek cred.
  4. XX Y XY

    Define a hardcore gamer.

    This indeed. It is the difference between someone who "plays games" and who "games." Not every hardcore gamer can excel in every genre but they are at least very good in most if not all and certainly have at least one specialty. The genre that makes the difference clearest to me is fighting...
  5. XX Y XY

    Escapist Podcast: 131: Two Billion Reasons to be Upset at Facebook

    I think one point Jim hasn't fully considered is that concepts like 3D gaming and VR are cyclical fads because the technology hasn't been developed yet to realize them in a way that's both affordable and non-encumbering. Once technologies are developed that accomplish this it wont be a cyclical...
  6. XX Y XY

    Shoot to disable instead of shoot to kill. Let's have an open talk about this.

    You don't shoot to disable because of common sense. You aim for center mass because it has the largest margin of error and the smallest chance of missing and hitting a bystander. Very simple and sound logic.
  7. XX Y XY

    What's your favorite video game of all time?

    Star Control 2 Nothing else comes close
  8. XX Y XY

    No Right Answer: Best Nicktoon Ever

    This debate should have been Ren and Stimpy Vs Avatar. These 2 shows are leagues better than any other Nick cartoon.
  9. XX Y XY

    Best story

    Have to give my usual answer for "best" questions. Star Control 2. Mass Effect borrowed a lot from the story of this game... And that's putting it very politely. But Star Control 2 did it first and did it better.
  10. XX Y XY

    Your 'Must Play' PS3 Games

    My top 5 PS3 games #1 Valkyria Chronicles #2 3D Dot Game Heroes #3 Folklore #4 Resonance of Fate #5 Ni No Kuni After that it's pretty much the standard stuff. God of Wars, Icos, Last of Us, blah blah blah
  11. XX Y XY

    Your favorite Game Universe.

    Star Control 2... With Warhammer 40k coming in a close 2nd
  12. XX Y XY

    Nintendo Explains Why Digital Games Aren't Any Cheaper

    And BS like this is exactly why I'm now PC exclusive and only buy games through Steam and in humble bundles. If people, especially parents, knew about the insane disparity in pricing of games on Steam versus other distributors, then I have no doubt the Steam Box would crush the other consoles...
  13. XX Y XY

    Ubisoft Considers Beyond Good & Evil a Mistake

    Any shred of respect I had for Ubisoft just died. BG&E was amazing. It's 100% Ubisoft's fault it failed due to bad management of the IP. This is the kind of idiocy you get when you have suits that have likely never played a video game before running a video game company. If anything, the huge...
  14. XX Y XY

    Poll: Killer Instinct 3

    There really needs to be a 3rd option on this poll. Would you be if it weren't Xbone exclusive? I loved the original KI and would love to play this if it weren't for the Xbone.
  15. XX Y XY

    Escapist News Now: Elder Scrolls Online Character Creation

    Breton FTW... Love that magic resist and restoration bonus :D Best healer race by far I bet