Recent content by Yanarix

  1. Y

    Girls and the games aimed at men

    A hearty meh from this corner, I dont bat an eyelid having to play a girl if I want to be a sorc in diablo2. its an environment and my avatar is a tool, I dont think of it as myself, I dont think of it as a person. maybe the developers slapped a (highly pixelated, vaguely) sexual image over the...
  2. Y

    Why Are People Willfully Ignorant?

    1) everyone is programmed to be a dick, that includes you. 2) getting good at things takes effort.
  3. Y

    Lets Bash Religion...or Not :P ah but really, dont stone people. its just about the worst way imaginable to die.
  4. Y

    194: The Five Habits of Highly Addicted Gamers

    so a sign of being addicted to food is watching the cooking network while eating dinner? the principle issue with addiction is harm, otherwise its just a habit.
  5. Y

    "Gold Farmers Need To Be Embraced"

    "purchase gold and inject imbalance into the in-game market has been plenty an issue" how so? I already explained why I think gold farming makes a market more healthy, do you have any counter to my points? any other issues to bring up on the subject?
  6. Y

    "Gold Farmers Need To Be Embraced"

    yes, but is exchanging in game items for out of game goods and services a good reason for a game company to use the EULA to deny themselves a highly active, paying customer? sure, if theyre causing a disturbance, spamming off their site or conning people, but selling gold in itself?
  7. Y

    "Gold Farmers Need To Be Embraced"

    Ok, so everyone is wrong, first off gold farmers dont ruin the economy. where your average gamer is a obsessive compulsive packrat who will create a veritable legion of alts to hoard away every last bit of gear that "might" be useful someday, gold farmers actually have an incentive to get those...
  8. Y

    162: Multiple Personality Disorders

    Simply enough, watch south park episode 1-8 damien or 3-13 hooked on monkey phonics, thats how juveniles work and as long as you are marketing to juveniles, the rest of civilization will be avoiding it like the plague. maybe instead of outright banning the offensive twits, potentially costing...
  9. Y

    153: The Anatomy of Violence

    Well its no mystery that the old media is going after the new media, just as tv devoured radio, the internet/video games will destroy television... and movies... and sporting events: afterall why sit complacently watching a hero, when you can be the hero?
  10. Y

    153: The Anatomy of Violence

    I disagree with the statistics presented, how would we know how many truly fired their weapons? it is quite possible responders simply gave the answer that is expected of them. perhaps after the shockingly low fire rates were published after ww2, military training was modified to discourage...
  11. Y

    EVE Online still popular... I wish someone would make a game that was more fun.

    Eve is fun, in its own special way, so if you run into it with your expectations based on other games you may have played, you will run headlong into a brick wall. if you are the type of person that likes to just hang out and chat, mining is for you. if you are the type of person that...
  12. Y

    Games that disappointed you

    Moo 3 was a rather big disappointment.
  13. Y

    Dutch Teenager Arrested for Virtual Property Theft

    this shouldnt have anything to do with any "items" or their potential value, but the fact that the account itself was stolen.
  14. Y

    Presidential Bids

    Ron Paul. If you are a simpleton and just skim over the headlines, then when you hear that Ron Paul was the only guy to vote against the memorandum for the forced integration that happened 40 years ago. but if you actually listen to him, he puts his reasons down in a clear concise manner...
  15. Y

    What makes a game enjoyable?

    A good game will teach me new ways of thinking, early on it was the link, mega man and metroid series. then the 'crafts. now things like deadly rooms of death, pardus and dota make me push the limits of what might be possible. it isnt just having a world to discover, but being able to get a feel...