Recent content by Yoshisummons

  1. Yoshisummons

    Escape to the Movies: Star Trek: Into Darkness

    Thank you for saying this so eloquently and in better words than I ever could.
  2. Yoshisummons

    Nintendo Suddenly Claims Ownership Of Many YouTube Videos

    LP's are primarily driven by popularity do I seriously have to even say this? Yogscast's main channel's first episode of Don't starve 834k Hits Sip's First episode of Don't starve(who's art of the yogcast's gang/party/whatevertheycallit)...
  3. Yoshisummons

    Endor: Anatomy of a Tribal Insurgency

    The best analogy for Vietnam was that family guy clip where is it, oh here it is. The U.S. as Mike Tyson and Carol Channing as the Viet Cong The Viet Cong lost the Tet offensive and nearly every upfront battle in every traditional sense(kill/death ratios, maintaining ground, capturing points...
  4. Yoshisummons

    Escapist Podcast: 090: Nintendo Bails on E3 and Dragon's Crown's Breasts

    What the boobs balls did I just watch?
  5. Yoshisummons

    Gearbox Snags Homeworld Rights

    Good bye Homeworld franchise. Wait! on the maintenance frequency... I'm receiving a signal from the cryo trays in orbit, one of them is suffering a massive malfunction.
  6. Yoshisummons

    Miyamoto: Wii U's Second Screen Will Grow On You

    Those eyes, the void stares back!. Seriously did you have to use such a creepy picture?
  7. Yoshisummons

    No Microtransactions For iOS XCOM: Enemy Unknown

    So that's what they've been doing instead of fixing all those bugs still in the game. Also Peachy, it already had very few maps to begin with but fine by me. Dear god I hope they removed both graveyards, seriously screw those maps in all their bullshit glory.
  8. Yoshisummons

    Scientists Crowdfund NASA Trailer For Star Trek Premiere

    Considering the last Star Trek(09?, or is it Star Trek the Star Trek) did nothing but be "Space adventure film, set in the future, in spppaaaaacccceeee. Now to be honest it was a pretty damn good action film, but it lacked the spirit of the old tv series. If I need to be more blunt I am...
  9. Yoshisummons

    Scientists Crowdfund NASA Trailer For Star Trek Premiere

    It was a corny sci-fi show to depict a future where everyone on earth got along and instill enthusiasm for the future and technology. Poor Gene, people don't want that crap no more. People want shooting
  10. Yoshisummons

    Escape to the Movies: Oz the Great and Powerful

    Glad I wasn't the only one that was thinking they were going for the mage triad.
  11. Yoshisummons

    Escape to the Movies: Musclepocalypse

    If that's the whole shtick with Bruce Willis how come in the 4th one (and probably in the 5th one) he turned into someone that is unfazed about killing dozens of dudes and effectively "Jason Borne-ing" level of stunts for the movie?
  12. Yoshisummons

    Harry Potter: What do you think would have happened if he'd been in another House?

    Then he would have been able to pull out the fork of truth which is the legendary weapon from hufflepuff or the magical glock used by ravenclaw that fires magic bullets.
  13. Yoshisummons

    America "Planned to Nuke the Moon"

    Actually they wanted to nuke the dark side of the moon to test the nukes without them ol' ruskies from finding out. This is very old news, you can check out the [I]Fog of War documentary of Robert McNamara. Wait, I was beaten to the punch, awwww :(.
  14. Yoshisummons

    No Right Answer: Best Pixar Movie Ever

    I would totally join a escpaist tekkit server in a heartbeat. We totally need one! Who needed sunlight anyway.
  15. Yoshisummons

    Ubisoft CEO Chimes in on Wii U Hardware Pricing

    "Is $300 too much for gamers to handle?" No, but it is for the gamers grandmother.