Recent content by z121231211

  1. z121231211

    Jimquisition: Batman Is Everything Wrong With Square Enix

    One thing I love about this episode is that it's a games company doing games wrong. Not a company screwing over consumers with bad business practices or corruption, just a company badly designing games. Isn't that the best problem to have in a video game industry?
  2. z121231211

    Jimquisition: The Unholy Trinity Of Blind Greedy Bastards

    "They'd rather make all the money or no money, nothing inbetween." That really is the biggest and most obvious problem with the gaming industry because there's a metric fuckton inbetween. And if marketers know how to market then there's no reason you couldn't make a sizable profit from it...
  3. z121231211

    Poll: Can you play a game based on the promise that it will get interesting later on?

    I answered "no", not because I need an explosion in the first 5 seconds or another "in medias res" intro so I know shit's going to go down, but because good pacing should always leave you wanting to know more and move forward throughout the story, even if in the beginning the story seems...
  4. z121231211

    Is ganking girl gamers a bad thing?

    From the first video in the link it's pretty hard to tell if he thinks all girl gamers are attention whores or not. From what I can tell he just hates attention whoring girl gamers and is adamant about ganking them. I almost agree with him (think about ganking PewDiePie, Tobuscus, and the like...
  5. z121231211

    Is 'The C Word' Sexist?

    I guess technically it's sexist in America because it's mostly used against women. I wouldn't call it misogynistic though.
  6. z121231211

    Why Bronies (and Pretty Much Everyone) Should Hate the Brony Documentary

    Most fandoms don't create a documentary trying to legitimize their interest.
  7. z121231211

    Your most interesting D&D character

    As much as I love to play D&D, I was never good at making interesting characters. I'm too much of a gamist playing around with the stats and numbers than actually role-playing.
  8. z121231211

    Who heres played hawken?

    I enjoy it, but I'm taking an extended break until they bring back in the server browser. I'm just having a very hard time playing with my friends now. And the ragequitters...
  9. z121231211

    Did people forget this..?

    Just understand that these are gamers we're talking about here. Finding the easiest way around something is what gamers do, the designers just have to make the answer to this not so easy to find. That's why them not having fun because of something OP is the designer's fault, not their's. When...
  10. z121231211

    Did people forget this..?

    A game isn't inherently better just because it has more features. Where's the game that has no easy way out? Where you actually have to challenge yourself if you want to see the end? It's like thinking a movie would be more interesting if a scene had a more vague outcome, which people then...
  11. z121231211

    If you could try any drug without addiction and 100% safety?

    LSD is probably one of the safest drugs out there (not in a "you can talk to the cops without suspicion" way though). Just have a friend and make sure the vibes are good. Probably MDMA if I won't feel the come down next morning.
  12. z121231211

    North Korea Blasts US With 'We Are The World' Missiles

    I do all my loving in the United States and that video didn't phase me a bit.
  13. z121231211

    Gamer laziness: real reason why hardcores hate to see an easy mode

    Why do I find it so hard to trust topics that have "The real reason why..." in their titles? In my opinion, it's the developer's choice to make a game more accessible. And making a game more accessible doesn't necessarily make a game better. Would Eraserhead be a better movie if it had a...
  14. z121231211

    When was the last time something made you actually cry/tear up?

    After not crying to anything entertainment (movies, Video games, etc.) a scene in Apocalypse Now finally does it.
  15. z121231211

    Poll: How broad are your music tastes?

    I'd say I'm tier 3. It's not that I don't like other broad genres but I really only follow a few sub-genres of EDM. I guess I used to be Tier 4 for Happy Hardcore. I wouldn't say it's bad because I made up the small breadth with depth, I knew all the big names and followed the up and comers.