Recent content by ZaxqZombie

  1. ZaxqZombie

    Warhammer 40K Spacehulk: Deathwing FPS Revealed

    I want very yes
  2. ZaxqZombie

    Is there a way to end Mass Effect 3 with a good ending? *SPOILER*

    i honestly don't know what to think now that i beat a game i was ready to call one of the greatest things i have ever had the privilege of playing and having it utterly ruined and destroyed by such a cheap and soul-less ending. i liked EVERYTHING about the game, but in one foul swoop the mere...
  3. ZaxqZombie

    Game series with the best boss battles

    Demon's Souls most definately
  4. ZaxqZombie

    Poll: Duke Nukem - Why?

    Because its fun, god what kind of stupid question is that?
  5. ZaxqZombie

    Duke Nukem Forever Goes Gold

    i checked the demo comes out june 3rd
  6. ZaxqZombie

    Favourite NPC line?

  7. ZaxqZombie

    Favourite NPC line?

    Lmao how is that supposed to make snake feel better???
  8. ZaxqZombie

    Favourite NPC line?

    He's Dead(one guy)...Hoorah!(crowed of soldiers) from edf 2017
  9. ZaxqZombie

    Favourite Games for Voice Acting

    mike patton in the darkness!
  10. ZaxqZombie

    Are there any good Mech games out there?

    phantom crash for the oriogional xbox is one f my favorite mech games of all time and it runs on the 360 so there ya go
  11. ZaxqZombie

    Fox News Takes Aim at "Offensive" Duke Nukem Forever

    FOX DOESNT AGREE WITH A VIDEOGAMES CONTENT???????! what a bloody shock
  12. ZaxqZombie

    Leaked Microsoft Video Reveals Horrible Future for PC Gaming

    im confused, how the fuck is that supposed to work?
  13. ZaxqZombie

    Extra Punctuation: Why Regenerating Health Sucks

    play flashpoint dragon rising or just get FP: red river when it comes out if you want a health system that affects your movement and ability to fight depending on where you're hurt
  14. ZaxqZombie

    Homefront Dev Will Make Sequel's Campaign Longer if Fans Want It

    is there a way to tell them we like it? CAUSE I WANT ONE!!!!