Recent content by Zayle79

  1. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    You know she didn't steal the money, right? People freely gave it to her. She certainly doesn't "need" $150K for the series, but I don't need dijon mustard for a ham sandwich. It's still better to have than not, and if I ask nicely for the mustard and someone gives it to me out of their own...
  2. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    It's stopped coming in, you know. The total funding is $158,917. It was finished 3 days ago. Yeah, she could use whatever amount she wants and pocket whatever's left over, but I really doubt she will. Besides, when you fund a project, you know the risk; the people who gave her all that...
  3. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    That's irrelevant. Did her other videos have $150K put into them? I doubt it; I've seen them. These ones do have that ridiculous amount of money poured into them, so I think we can deduce that they'll have higher production values. Elementary, dear Rainbow Dash. Edit: My point is just...
  4. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    That's certainly true, but totally unrelated to Sarkeesian's project. The premise of her series isn't inherently flawed just because there's also a related issue that she hasn't mentioned.
  5. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    "Basically Youtube videos"? You've seen them? You're assuming that these videos will be the same quality as Big Picture, Extra Credits, etc. If that were so, then $150K would be plenty excessive. But she does have $150K. She's working with a pretty big budget and considerably more time...
  6. Zayle79

    Well I won't be buying the new Tomb Raider...

    You mean feminists don't all agree on everything? A large group has a variety of different opinions on the same subjects? You're right, that's ridiculous! Feminists need to make sure no other feminists have expressed contradictory opinions before expressing their own, so that non-feminists...
  7. Zayle79

    Well I won't be buying the new Tomb Raider...

    Most of the problem has more to do with what they're saying rather than what's actually in the game. The breast thing? Nobody would consider it sexist to have a flat-chested female character in a game; the problem is that they've said they did it specifically to have a less sexist version of...
  8. Zayle79

    Watch Dogs Reception?

    Looks amazing. The premise and aesthetic both remind me of Assassin's Creed, and this is Ubisoft Montreal, so I'm calling it now: I bet that at some point, there will be a big twist revealing this to be set in the AC universe. I'm not sure why, it just seems to fit.
  9. Zayle79

    The Big Picture: Junk Drawer Rises

    Isn't Zangief's non-villainy sort of the point of what he's saying? He's an opponent, an obstacle for the player, but he's not necessarily a villain. A "bad guy" but not a bad guy.
  10. Zayle79

    Assassin's Creed III's "Big Jump" Only Possible Due to Annual Releases

    I'm thinking there's more than blood connecting the three of them, anyway. They look almost identical and even have the exact same scar. Altair's son Darim and 16 also look identical. Maybe they have some sort of spiritual connection. The same guy reincarnated, like Link, maybe? If Ezio and...
  11. Zayle79

    Trailers: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - E3 Trailer

    Really, none of those characters could stand up to Kratos. It's Smash Bros; I don't think it's supposed to be remotely realistic. I think Daxter and Clank should be full-fledged characters, too. They're too awesome to ignore. And what about Final Fantasy characters? They're not PS...
  12. Zayle79

    Teen faces expulsion after brining stun-gun to school to fend off bullies

    It was a stun gun. Yes, it would have been pretty useless if he tried to use it in a fight, but he was smart enough to just scare them with it, and they were dumb enough not to realize that they could take him anyway. It worked. Really not the issue here, though. Besides, it was six against...
  13. Zayle79

    Teen faces expulsion after brining stun-gun to school to fend off bullies

    Yes, the kid who brought a stun gun to school and only used it for intimidation broke a law, and since threatening physical assault isn't a crime so long as it's on school premises, the six bullies who had surrounded him and almost beat him up are law-abiding citizens. I think we're well past...
  14. Zayle79

    Poll: Is treating women in Gentlemanly way Sexist?

    It's not entirely a social construct. This sort of thing is at least partially natural, I think. Because women are, on the whole, more submissive and reserved than men, and men more dominant, men consequently tend to think of them as frail and in need of more help than men. I think sexism is...
  15. Zayle79

    Facebook Faces Underage Gamer Lawsuit

    Omigod, Billy bought $500 dollars of Facebook credits with my credit card...not his fault, he's just a kid, doesn't know any's not my fault, because I'm me, and I'm not gonna blame myself...oh! Facebook! Right, it's Facebook's fault, because...they didn't stop him from buying them...