Recent content by Zcoper

  1. Z

    Humans: Are we evil?

    Humans are by nature greedy and selfish. Everything else is artificial norms build up over millenia. We aren't good or evil, we're just weird and stupid.
  2. Z

    Ever been banned for kicking too much ass?

    Some years back, 2003/04, when I was playing Call of Duty (the original) with my two brothers. We played on the same server all the time (some clan-server) and we were always number 1, 2 and 3 on the scores. They could see that we played together, because we had some [] tag of some sort. Quick...
  3. Z

    Terrible Endings?

    The movie "Knowing", I really, really liked the movie, until that stupid out of nowhere twist in the end...
  4. Z

    Have you ever had to do somthing in a game that made you feel "uncomfortable"?

    Fallout 3, can't exactly remember all the names and such, so bare with me, it's a long time ago.
  5. Z

    Poll: Would you time-travel and kill Hitler?

    Depending on at which point in time, killing Hilter could actually have helped the Nazis win the war...
  6. Z

    Strangest chat ever...

    Reminds me of some weird quote I was read: "One day love and friendship met each other. Love asked: "Friendship, why are you here when I exist?" Friendship answered: "To make a smile where you only leave tears""
  7. Z

    Demos you admit made you buy the full game.

    I experienced it with Plants Versus Zombies xD
  8. Z

    The Longest you have played a game without turning the console off?

    On a console I think it was about 9-11 hours straight of Guitar Hero (I believe it was world tour). We had all our arms amputated afterwards :P