Recent content by Zeni Geba

  1. Z

    Zero Punctuation: Final Fantasy XIII

    ill replay on one thing only coz whatever you said is pointless if you think that the graphics is shit try making a 3 sec video that can come close to ff13 *****.and if you cant shut the fuck up.unless you a real graphics designer you won?t know
  2. Z

    Zero Punctuation: Final Fantasy XIII

    OK in every game there is characters you hate and love is that some bad no on the contrary that shows how good the people that made that game are they made you emotion move
  3. Z

    Zero Punctuation: Final Fantasy XIII

    F?? you for this review yahtzee, if you?re a RPG hater then ?STOP PLAYING? BI?.CH. Final Fantasy XIII was a very good game .your review was like leasing to an idiot talk ?trying to imitate Simon Cowell? just some wannabe game critic stick to what you do best review first-person shooting games...