Recent content by zenoaugustus

  1. zenoaugustus

    Ezio and the animus theory

    Listen, plenty of others have disagreed with you and explained counterpoints to you which you seem to just dismiss as inaccurate. "NO! It's NOT what I SAID! WAAAAA!" Personally, I don't give a damn what you do or don't think regarding a character from a video game series. That being said, plenty...
  2. zenoaugustus

    Ezio and the animus theory

    Dude, Aladdin is LITERALLY a thief and is a Disney hero. That's like saying biblical Jesus is an anti-hero because he chilled with thieves and prostitutes. That dude's story consists of him dying for everyone else ever. If you think that is anti-hero material, then you may need to redefine...
  3. zenoaugustus

    Ubisoft Says Open World Games Are the Future

    Now, maybe I'm just a moron with no idea the trend of video games, but open world games seem to be the present... And even, well, kind of the past now.... I dunno, I'm just spitballing here, but hey, I think Ubisoft is just talking bullshit
  4. zenoaugustus


    1) Just play. It's by far the easiest way to learn. 2) Never, ever trust Hiawatha. That ************ is a hypocrite and a warmonger. 3) Always understand that there is most likely another choice you can make. The smartest leader understands all options available. Don't do something because...
  5. zenoaugustus

    Songs that get you pumped up

    Whenever I play a video game in which I must eliminate enemies, I'm all about regulating those bastards.
  6. zenoaugustus

    All Games Need 'Drunk Mode'

    Ahem, GTA? God of War? I've committed myself to only playing those games when drunk.
  7. zenoaugustus

    Your Game Music is Bland and You Should Feel Bad

    "Ezio's Family" is a song I'll listen to on occasion. I'd say Assassin's Creed 2 got it's soundtrack right. But, overall, I'd agree; there aren't many memorable songs anymore.
  8. zenoaugustus

    Iron Man 3 would make for a perfect video game

    So hear me out on this one; this movie could translate into a phenomenal multiplayer game. I'm not big on multiplayer either, and to me, this seems awesome. (In the next paragraph is the smallest of all spoilers regarding the movie, I put this up in case you are completely adverse to any and all...
  9. zenoaugustus

    Fictional person you aspire to be like

    Goku. The man's (well saiyan, but whatever) pretty much the perfect person. He's kind, brave, stands up for others, and otherwise loves eating and laughing. If that's not a good life, I don't know what is.
  10. zenoaugustus

    The Culture and Diplomacy of Civ V: Brave New World

    Just when I thought I had finally gotten my fill of this game. These assholes know the right rhythm in which to drop expansions on me. Edit: And to make it worse, it's named after a favorite book of mine. I'm pretty much obligated to pay them
  11. zenoaugustus

    Living in a game of your choice.

    Demons' Souls anyone? Haha, fuck that. Pokemon is the clear choice here.
  12. zenoaugustus

    I want to get into D&D

    So a couple days ago, one of my roommates came up to me and asked if I had ever played Dungeons and Dragons. I had, about ten years ago (I would've been 10 at the time). After I asked around to a couple other roommates and friends who come by often, it seems like we have a few people who are...
  13. zenoaugustus

    I want to get into D&D

    So a couple days ago, one of my roommates came up to me and asked if I had ever played Dungeons and Dragons. I had, about ten years ago (I would've been 10 at the time). After I asked around to a couple other roommates and friends who come by often, it seems like we have a few people who are...
  14. zenoaugustus

    When your favorite series derails

    Not all of these series were my favorites, but I personally believe there was a drop in quality or creativity in most of these games' sequels (if not all of them): -Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (I played Warrior Within and Two Thrones, they were okay. But I still own SoT, can't say that of...
  15. zenoaugustus

    Games which, for you, define 'replay value'

    How about games that you enjoy? I'll replay anything I like. It's about as simple as that.