Recent content by Zerbin

  1. Zerbin

    Earth's Whitey-est Heroes

    @BrotherRool Africa's a continent.
  2. Zerbin

    gaming music

    I totally agree about the Phoenix Wright soundtracks. The made the games so much more engaging. I'd play through entire games to get to certain tracks. Like say, this one. The bass, man. Shoji Meguro has disappointed me once, though. The Strange Journey soundtrack was a mess...
  3. Zerbin

    The Big Picture: Skin Deep

    The Tyler Perry dig was beneath you, sir. Otherwise, a solid, defensible position. Good show.
  4. Zerbin

    Critical Miss: Dragon Age 2

    It's funny because it's true.
  5. Zerbin

    Game moments that made you put down the controller and say WOW

    Also Sialeeds' betrayal in Suikoden 5. Why, Sialeeds, WHY???
  6. Zerbin

    Game moments that made you put down the controller and say WOW

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Just looking out at the desert from the towers and then pulling back to the panoramic view, then realizing that I've either been there or will go there soon... The art direction in that game was magnificent.