Recent content by Zombie Shakespeare

  1. Z

    Poll: How Many Times Do You Update Your Status a Day?

    I don't hate social networking sites. I just don't use them. No option for that.
  2. Z


    Keep busy. Whether it's a project in Minecraft, another game or real work, it'll help.
  3. Z

    Your dream L4D team?

    What, no Dexter?
  4. Z

    Your dream L4D team?

    The cast from Seinfeld. Don't look at me like that.
  5. Z

    Norton protected my computer from a trojan, am I safe?

    Norton IS a virus. I decided to switch after monitoring its resource consumption and it took me over an hour to find and remove all of it. Even the official tool they put out for removing it just makes it worse.
  6. Z

    Poll: Would you be a hero?

    Yeah, I guess I would. Some people are okay, and all my stuff is here.
  7. Z

    Morality meters in games.

    I hate morality meters unless it is universe appropriate, like in Knights of the Old Republic. I think it should be based on individual events, instead. Immersion. It encourages you to do what you think your character would do, not what fits the developers ideals of good or evil. Basically...
  8. Z

    A slightly different "you died" thread.

    Thanks, man. I feel a lot better now.
  9. Z

    A slightly different "you died" thread.

    But the last game I played was Amnesia. Trapped inside spooky castles for all eternity. Fuck.
  10. Z

    Eyes open underwater

    It's never really bothered me, but I've only tried it in swimming pools, never the ocean or anything. I imagine that would sting.
  11. Z

    Vampires... Your definition?

    Personally, my favorite interpretation is the World of Darkness vampires. Lots of good variance, and most of the clans each have their own little charm to them.
  12. Z

    Last game you played that's older than you are.

    Sunset Riders, which was in 1992 for the SNES, I think. Couple of years older than me. I semi-regularly play it with a friend over ZSNES Netplay. We have yet to beat Richard Rose.
  13. Z

    I just got my first real piece of spam.

    Someone claiming to be Bill Clinton sent me a link to a site for cheap viagra. Not sure if they realized that was an actual person. My friend forwards me all his spam, so I get all kinds of stuff.
  14. Z

    Men and Flowers

    Ignoring what kind of hellish hypothetical universe this would have to be for me to have a girlfriend, I wouldn't like flowers as a gift. I'd feel obligated to take care of them. I do not appreciate receiving extra responsibility as a present. Besides, what am I going to do with flowers...
  15. Z

    My Experience with Fallout 2

    One major point I can agree with that you made is that the interface is awfully complicated for those of us who don't or can't read the manual. It took me at least half an hour to figure everything out, but after that I really never had any problems. As for the combat, there was very little...