Recent content by zorlan

  1. zorlan

    Caffeine: Serenity

    It was kind of eerie that I stumbled upon this post the morning after watching Serenity for the second time. When I was younger, I made the mistake of watching Serenity before watching Firefly. Watching Serenity after a rewatching of Firefly added so much to the film, because I was so much...
  2. zorlan

    BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2

    WTF guys? Why does the game need to include homosexuality?! Making a fuss about why there's no homosexuality in this game seems counter-productive to me. In a perfect world where homosexuals are treated equally, lack of homosexual romantic options in a game wouldn't be an issue. By making it...
  3. zorlan

    How did you pick your avatar?

    I made mine. It's the TF2 logo, but with a Z on it, for Zorlan. It's because I liked TF2.
  4. zorlan

    Ubisoft's DRM Servers Attacked Again

    I bet even once this is fixed Ubisoft won't remove the DRM checks, probably just make them less frequent or give you a few "chances" so you can run the game 2 or 3 times when the server is down after which you go back to being locked out.
  5. zorlan

    Ubisoft Online DRM: It's Worse Than Expected

    If people respond to this like they did with Spore, they'll get the message. I think I'll pirate the game even if I buy it, to avoid having to deal with the protection crap.
  6. zorlan

    Australia: WTF Mate?

    I got the uncensored version of L4D2 from a friend overseas, however I've recently been playing Call of Duty MW2 and I found a certain level in the game far more confronting than anything I've seen in L4D2. I think the rating board completely fails in regards to the context of the violence...
  7. zorlan

    Poll: What's cooler, scars or tattoos?

    Natural scars are cool because they often tell a story. Getting tattoos or those tattoo scars is, in my opinion, stupid. I think tattoos are like vandalising your body, who can say you'll appreciate the chosen image many years down the track? As for scar tattoos, that takes it to a whole...
  8. zorlan

    Poll: If you had to take a one-way trip back in time...

    I would go back to shortly after I was born and make interfere with just about every aspect of my life.
  9. zorlan

    Mind fucks

    Not a bad effort, a few questions I felt could use some additional answering. I got fed up part of the way through, because most of them are really stupid and have obvious answers. Q. If you try to fail and succeed, what have you done? A. Succeeded at failing, and failed at whatever it was...
  10. zorlan

    Mind fucks

    Well you'd be looking into the past, even normal mirrors technically reflect the past, but as Gooble pointed out it wouldn't be before the mirror was launched because we wouldn't be able to get the mirror out there fast enough. As more and more distance was put between us and the mirror the more...
  11. zorlan

    Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii

    He's not a fanboy if he disses one system, only if he praises one above others. And there's a fair bit of truth in what he's saying. Nintendo really cashed into the casual gamer market with the Wii, and I admit I enjoyed a few games on it, but eventually the Wii-mote motion sensor stuff just...
  12. zorlan

    L4D2, What would you add?

    I would add a lot more development time, and some innovation since it doesn't look like they've made much improvement over the original.
  13. zorlan

    Unskippable: Digital Devil Saga

    I don't know if this is the right place to say this, but you guys should totally do "Devil May Cry 4" that intro made no sense to me whatsoever. Doesn't have to be said, but great episode guys.
  14. zorlan

    Sequels that NEED to be made!

    Beyond Good and Evil 2 is underway: I just hope for the sake of mankind that it comes out on PC as well as the inevitable console release (and isn't a bad port). As is Mass Effect 2: Which I'm...