Recent content by zspartancats

  1. zspartancats

    Poll: Your first run-in with pornography

    I was 12 and playing counter-Strike. We all know you can have your own spray. Well,somebody sprayed a porn image. Being 12, I was more focused on the game then some naked lady.
  2. zspartancats

    Gingrich promises 'moon colony' if he gets elected (twice)

    America is already in trillions of dollars in debt. Where in hell, would we get the money to fund another space program?
  3. zspartancats

    Poll: Do you watch television?

    Only to watch CBS in the morning to see what is going on in the world Then at night, as a I fall asleep. So I watch a total of three hours of TV a day.
  4. zspartancats

    Poll: Have you ever had a nickname?

    During 10th grade, half of the 10th grade students called me frank. My history teacher called me Frank. I never knew why, but he did. It stuck and for the whole year until I went to the JVS. A little part of me died each time someone called me Frank.
  5. zspartancats

    What should a good DLC/Expansion pack include?

    Just add zombies, cause we all love zombies! Just kidding. A good DLC should extend the life of the game. Whether it be a new maps/areas or a whole new experience. I truly hate those skin/costumes DLCs. I wish we could just unlock them for doing challenges or beating the game on hardest...
  6. zspartancats

    Ragequitting. Goddamn.

    I only rage quit when I play a game online. Especially a heated match of CSS or TF2, nothing sets my blood boiling like a crappy team. That is why I stop playing BF3, I was tired of playing with complete morons.
  7. zspartancats

    Skyrim DLC Ideas

    They're going to make DLC involving the Thalmor. I think everyone would agree, that we wanted to obliterate them. I would love to see them explore other regions, like the black marshes.
  8. zspartancats

    Favorite Game Developers

    I don't have a favorite game Dev. At some point, all the devs have done something to make me mad. My most liked would Pandemic...wait, EA murdered them. So, I would just go with Valve and Bethesda.
  9. zspartancats

    Skyrim spawns a meme.

    This is just like the cake is a lie meme. It will hit its peak and then fade into obscurity. I'll give this meme till next month, then everyone will forget it.
  10. zspartancats

    Your Skyrim character quirks. character loves to collect skulls. My house in whiterun is full of skulls. Last night, I hit z and FUS DO RAH and all the skulls go flying. It was awesome!
  11. zspartancats

    Assassin's Creed Revelations - Disappointing.

    I liked it. It felt just Brotherhood and that was fine with me. Though, I would like to see it be in the oven for a year or two. For Ubisoft to come up with new concepts/ideas. Also, Ubisoft should have left the multiplayer zone alone. I still think its over all a disappointing experience.
  12. zspartancats

    Lol, Skyrim.

    If you get the Argonian female as a wife. When she says "Dearest" I crack up laughing. Why does the only marriageable Argonian sound like my aunt?
  13. zspartancats

    Skyrim Oddities

    Did everybody else see the Headless horseman? I was just about to kill a imperial group transporting one of those rebels. Then out of the blue, the Headless horseman comes strolling by ruining my conversation with the imperials. My first instinct was to kill it but who would have guessed...
  14. zspartancats

    wat are your top 5 games?

    1.Deus Ex human revolution 2.Fallout 3 3.Half-life 2 4.Halo 3 5.Mercenaries playground of destruction
  15. zspartancats

    Games you actually found boring

    Borderlands. You can only shoot the same things for a while before being tired of it. Which was like an hour into the game.