Express Affection By Smooching A Robopig

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Express Affection By Smooching A Robopig

Problem: Your lover is a hundred miles away and you're hard-up for some PG nookie. Solution: The adorable "Kissenger" robot.

The 'bot, which presumably only shares phonetic similarities with the 56th Secretary of State, essentially serves as a smoochypoo proxy for long-distance affairs. You connect Kissenger to your computer, kiss the decidedly porcine device's "lips," then your lover receives your kiss via a similarly-wired Kissenger on the other end. It's more or less teleconferencing for your mouth hole.

Now before you say anything, let's give the robot's creators a chance to explain their creation (and, more usefully, the "Lovotics" concept that spawned it). From the official website:

Lovotics refers to the research of human-to-robot relationship. These relationships offer new possibilities for exploring the concept and possibilities of human love. After industrial, service and social robots, Lovotics introduces a new generation of robots, with the ability to love and be loved by humans.

The site goes then goes into great conceptual detail about robots being able to react to human facial expressions and hormone levels and in truth it doesn't sound all that weird when you slather the idea in fancy science-words like "Oxytocin" and "probabilistic love parameters."

Then you hit play on the Kissenger demo reel (embedded above) and everything snaps back into the realm of fish riding bicycles. There is nothing sexy or romantic about the interaction between those two people and their respective pigs. Yes, it's impressive that Hooman Samani (the AI researcher behind the whole "Lovotics" concept) was able to create a robot that can theoretically mimic the complex muscle movements associated with kissing, but making out with a spherical pigbot just lacks a certain human element, y'know?

Specifically, warmth, saliva, rapid respiration and an entire living human body. Plus, what happens if they actually get this thing right? If the Kissenger can accurately replicate human smooches, wouldn't it also be able to accurately convey the sexual tension they create? And then what? Everyone goes to bed unfulfilled and surly?

Sorry Mr. Samani, but we're the internet generation. We already have a solution for our disturbing inability to connect to people in the real world. It's called "hardcore niche pornography," and it's working just fine, thank you.

Source: Geekologie []



That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Well people who are into pigs will surely appreciate this.

Tragedy's Rebellion

New member
Feb 21, 2010
I remember they tried to make something like this, but replicating the tongue movements. Is this the same? If not, then what's the difference?

EDIT: Actually, I forgot to watch the video. This looks kinda pointless.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Earnest Cavalli said:
If the Kissenger can accurately replicate human smooches, wouldn't it also be able to accurately convey the sexual tension they create? And then what?
Well, if they can perfect this technology, you just KNOW there's going to be someone who invents similar tech for other uses...

Mind you, we'll be able to say that it will give a whole new meaning to "cyber sex"

Monkeyman O'Brien

New member
Jan 27, 2012

Anyway that is just about the saddest thing I have seen today.
And now when I envision future sex robots they are all gonna look like Miss Piggy...

And then what? Everyone goes to bed unfulfilled and surly?
Simple. They are hollow so have a His and Hers one. His is filled with a soft silicone gel, hers vibrates.