Take the "Which Classic Nintendo Character Are You?" Quiz
[img_inline src="http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/60/60025.jpg"]
Which one of these famous Nintendo characters are you?
With Kid Icarus: Uprising hitting the 3DS this week, we've decided to put together a quiz of some of the most classic Nintendo characters out there. Are you lovable like Mario? Optimistic like Kirby? Or tough-as-nails, like Samus Aran?
Take the quiz! [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/198]
[img_inline src="http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/60/60025.jpg"]
Which one of these famous Nintendo characters are you?
With Kid Icarus: Uprising hitting the 3DS this week, we've decided to put together a quiz of some of the most classic Nintendo characters out there. Are you lovable like Mario? Optimistic like Kirby? Or tough-as-nails, like Samus Aran?
Take the quiz! [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/198]