Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation Appears for PS Vita


Shipwrecked, comatose, newsie
Aug 2, 2011
Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation Appears for PS Vita

Rumor has it that this handheld title will be all about a female assassin stabbing her way across the Bayou.

According to details from the latest Game Informer Magazine posted by a helpful Assassin's Creed 3 [] won't be the only Assassin's Creed title to hit shelves on October 30 this year. Slated for release on the same day for PS Vita is Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, which is said to be set during roughly the same time period as its big brother.

Liberation will be based on "large gameplay areas" in the city of New Orleans during the years 1765-80, with the franchise's first playable female assassin as the main character. Named Aveline, she'll reportedly bump into Assassin's Creed 3 protagonist Connor at some point during her adventures in the Bayou. Those hoping for more action from Desmond (no really, they exist) will be disappointed, however, to hear that he won't appear in this game; an as-yet-unnamed-but-not-Desmond character will instead control Aveline from an Animus.

With Ubisoft Sofia as the main developers, the game apparently promises "true Assassin's Creed gameplay" and "multiplayer specifically tailored to the Vita experience." It hopes to make use of the Vita's build by involving both the front and back touch controls in pickpocket attempts. You'll ostensibly be able to assassinate your foes (including alligators that love lurking underwater) using a variety of new weapons, including a sugar-cane machete, a musket, and grenades.

There are a whole host of reasons to be excited by these snippets, not least Aveline herself and the era during which she must engage in stabby-jumpy-hey-a-haybale activities. According to the posted information, she is of mixed French and African descent, a true reflection of the beautiful, multicultural mess New Orleans became during the eighteenth century. The opportunities for innovative murders and fascinating characters are endless; here's hoping Ubisoft Sofia takes advantage of them.

Expect for more details on Liberation to stalk their way out of the shadows during this week's E3 conference.

Source: Eurogamer []


Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Here's hoping it gets a release on other platforms in the future, chances of me purchasing a Vita are at 0%.
Apr 28, 2008
Why would they release it on the same day as Assassin's Creed 3? I mean... why? Why would they do that? The game sounds interesting and all, but releasing on the same day as the main game... I doubt it'll perform all that well sales-wise.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Irridium said:
Why would they release it on the same day as Assassin's Creed 3? I mean... why? Why would they do that? The game sounds interesting and all, but releasing on the same day as the main game... I doubt it'll perform all that well sales-wise.
Easy because the Assassin's Creed obsessed player needs to be able to play AC on the toilet or secretly at work, or anywhere away from the console.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
I hope woman will finally stop demanding/biching/moaning about them not shoehorning in female characters


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Mcoffey said:
That's what I always hated about the Assassin's Creed series. Some pretty important stuff only happens in the PSP games. You don't even know who Maria is unless you played it. Why would they make this important shit completely unavailable to most of their audience?
Welcome to the only reason why I watch Let's Plays on Youtube.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Noble_Lance said:
Irridium said:
Why would they release it on the same day as Assassin's Creed 3? I mean... why? Why would they do that? The game sounds interesting and all, but releasing on the same day as the main game... I doubt it'll perform all that well sales-wise.
Easy because the Assassin's Creed obsessed player needs to be able to play AC on the toilet or secretly at work, or anywhere away from the console.
No... I just take my console with me everywhere.

But in all seriousness. The franchise's main games have been great while their handheld ventures have been mediocre at best.

I also hope from a console release at a later date. I get that they want to have games support the handheld but for me I will just read her story on wikipedia if I need information.